The most common packages for working with graphs are {igraph}, {network}, and {tidygraph}. The best approach would be to load your data in one of those packages, which then offer a number of algorithms for clustering (also called "community detection" in this context). For exemple, see all the cluster_*() functions in igraph, and the group_*() functions in tidygraph.
In your case it looks like you have a directed network, so some algorithms will not work (you can decide to ignore the directionality). Clustering in general is a hard problem: there is no single best algorithm that always work on every dataset; you may have to experiment with existing algorithms.
For example:
#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> union
df <- data.frame(start_node = paste0("x", sample(1:7, replace = TRUE)),
end_node = paste0("x", sample(1:7, replace = TRUE))) |>
dplyr::filter(start_node != end_node)
#> start_node end_node
#> 1 x7 x6
#> 2 x7 x3
#> 3 x3 x5
#> 4 x6 x4
#> 5 x3 x6
#> 6 x2 x6
#> 7 x2 x1
gr <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(df,
directed = TRUE)
which means that cluster 1 contains nodes "x3", "x5", and "x7", cluster 2 contains x4 and x6 etc.
To find in which cluster a given node belongs, you can run something like map_lgl(cluster_list, ~ my_cluster %in% .x) or invert the whole list all at once with purrr::transpose().
This is the output of {igraph}, if you use {tidygraph} you have the same clustering algorithms behind the scene, but the result is returned as a vector of length number-of-nodes, where each element is the cluster this node belongs to.
I don't think that's directly possible: most of the time clusters do not all have the same size, so you wuld make a data.frame with columns of different lengths. That wouldn't be a data.frame anymore, just a normal list, and it's exactly what {igraph} is giving you.
And sorry, I should have added that at the beginning: while R is great and adds a lot of power, if all you want to do is plot and cluster a graph you might want to consider interactive graph software such as Gephi or Cytoscape.