I need to generate a triple scaled Venn-diagram using Venndiagram R package. After browsing, I found one answer "mathematically impossible to create a scaled 3-way Venn using circles", However, I still can see scaled triple venn in some publications/presentations. So, could you help me know what is missing in the code below?
venn.plot <- draw.triple.venn(area1 = 42, area2 = 17, area3 = 9, n12 = 11, n23 = 5, n13 = 6, n123 = 5,
category = c("P", "ED", "EM"), category.names = c("P", "ED", "EM"), lty = rep("blank", 3), col = rep("black", 3), fill = c("#EFC000FF","#86ab92","#9991aa"), alpha = rep(0.4, 3), cat.pos = c(-40, 40, 360), cat.dist = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.025), cat.fontface = rep("plain", 3), cat.fontfamily = rep("Arial", 3), fontfamily = "plain", fontface = "plain", lwd = rep(2, 3), cat.cex = rep(1, 3), cex = rep(1, 7), resolution = 600, output = TRUE, imagetype="tiff", scaled = TRUE, height = 200, width = 200, units = "px", compression = "lzw", cat.col = c("black", "black", "black"), euler.d = TRUE, overrideTriple = 0, ext.text = FALSE);
grid.arrange(gTree(children = venn.plot), # Add title & subtitle
top = "Group1")