pollutantmean <- function(directory, pollutant, ind)
directory <- "specdata"
z <- list.files("directory")
i <- ind[1]
totaal <- read.table(z[1])
hulpspec <- data.frame()
for (i in ind){
i <- i+1
hulpspec <- read.table(z[i])
totaal <- rbind(totaal,hulpspec)
mean(totaal[ind], na.rm == FALSE)
**gave me this error message on windows10 home edition when executing "pollutantmean("specdata","sulfate", 1:10)"**
" Error in file(file, "rt") : invalid 'description' argument
file(file, "rt")
read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote,
dec = dec, fill = fill, comment.char = comment.char, ...)
read.csv(z[1]) at pollutantmean.R#4
pollutantmean("specdata", "sulfate", 1:10) "
Wath did i wrong? Help me thx a lot
When you call
pollutantmean("specdata","sulfate", 1:10)
the variable directory within pollutantmean gets the value "specdata". So,
- There is no need to set the value of directory to be "specdata" within the function.
- When you call
z <- list.files("directory")
the term directory should not be in quotes.
Also, it is a bad idea to manually increment the i variable within the for loop. Let the for loop do the incrementing.
Finally, I do not think you want to write
mean(totaal[ind], na.rm == FALSE)
because ind is a vector. Don't you want to use the parameter pollutant there? And your title says you want to ignore NA, so use na.rm = TRUE.
I would write the function like this.
pollutantmean <- function(directory, pollutant, ind)
z <- list.files(directory)
totaal <- data.frame()
for (i in ind){
hulpspec <- read.table(z[i])
totaal <- rbind(totaal,hulpspec)
mean(totaal[, pollutant], na.rm = TRUE)
I have not tested that, since I do not have your data, so it may have mistakes.
Here is an alternative solution which excludes the need for the ind variable.
This assumes that "sulfate" is the name of a column:
pollutantmean_1 <- function(directory, col) {
list.files(directory) %>%
map_dfr(read.table, sep = "") %>% # change sep as required
summarise(mean({{col}}, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
pollutantmean_1("specdata", sulfate) # no quotes for the column name
pollutantmean_2 <- function(directory, col) {
list.files(directory) %>%
map_dfr(read.table, sep = "") %>% # change sep as required
summarise(mean(!!sym(col), na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
pollutantmean_2("specdata", "sulfate") # quotes for the column name
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thx for replying , i learned a lot of yours solution
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