I am generally very new to R and for the life of me I cannot make two scatter plots that have x as (Value) and y as (Light) in relation to the (Molecule) column. Could someone please help me with this?
Sex Month Light Molecule Value
M Jaanuar 0.8 BDNF 50
M Veebruar 2 BDNF 80
M Marts 4.1 BDNF 290
M Aprill 6.2 BDNF 360
M Mai 8.9 BDNF 570
M Juuni 10.1 BDNF 1120
M Juuli 9 BDNF 600
M August 7.4 BDNF 400
M September 4.7 BDNF 280
M Oktoober 3 BDNF 195
M November 1 BDNF 20
M Juuni 10.1 Serotoniin 500
M Juuli 9 Serotoniin 500
M August 7.4 Serotoniin 285
M September 4.7 Serotoniin 378
M Oktoober 3 Serotoniin 225
M November 1 Serotoniin 500
M Detsember 0.5 Serotoniin 136
N Jaanuar 0.8 Serotoniin 802
N Veebruar 2 Serotoniin 252