Need help with Global Options in RStudio

I am trying to change global options on Rstudio in Mac osx. It gives an error-message in a pop-up saying permission denied. How do I change permissions so I can save my changes to global options?

RStudio writes these changes to ~/.config/rstudio, so very likely the problem is that the permissions on that folder are incorrect. You can adjust them using chmod or chown in the Terminal.

I think that most mac users would rather stay as far away from the terminal as possible. You can use command+shift+. to make all invisible files/folders visible in the Finder. Go to your home folder and you should now see the .config folder. Select it and then select Get Info from the File menu (or use command+I). At the bottom it shows permissions. Make sure yours are set to read & write. Do the same for the rstudio folder that is in the .config folder. When done, use command+shift+. again to make the invisible files/folders invisible again.

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I also had this issue, what worked for me was creating an rstudio folder within the ~/.config/ folder.

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