Hi I am learning R from coursera and while doing an assignment I am getting the error stated in the title.
Can someone please help me?
The code snippet is as follows,
preprocess_covid_data_frame <- function(data_frame) {
shape <- dim(data_frame)
# Remove the World row
data_frame<-data_frame[!(data_frame$`Country or region`=="World"),]
# Remove the last row
data_frame <- data_frame[1:172, ]
# We dont need the Units and Ref columns, so can be removed
data_frame["Ref."] <- NULL
data_frame["Units[b]"] <- NULL
# Renaming the columns
names(data_frame) <- c("country", "date", "tested", "confirmed", "confirmed.tested.ratio", "tested.population.ratio", "confirmed.population.ratio")
# Convert column data types
data_frame$country <- as.factor(data_frame$country)
data_frame$date <- as.factor(data_frame$date)
data_frame$tested <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$tested))
data_frame$confirmed <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$confirmed))
data_frame$'confirmed.tested.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`confirmed.tested.ratio`))
data_frame$'tested.population.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`tested.population.ratio`))
data_frame$'confirmed.population.ratio' <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data_frame$`confirmed.population.ratio`))