NBA shooting preferences
Authors: Luis D. Verde Arregoitia
Working with Shiny < 1 year
Abstract: Simple app to find NBA players with similar shooting preferences (locations on court where they take most shots), identified using spatial ovelap statistics.
Full Description: My first attempt at an interactive app. Uses data downloaded using nbastatr
for this (currently suspended) season, preprocessed and analysed to identify similar point patterns and ultimately find sets of players that tend to shoot more often from the same spots on the court.
The overall workflow is:
- Download shot chart data and subset by player names.
- Count the number of shots per cell on a custom grid overlaid on the court.
- Identify the top n highest-density grid cells and get their centroids.
- Calculate the point proximity metric O for every combination of two players.
The app plots the 'top shot' centroids for players along with their photo.
Category: Sports
Keywords: NBA, sports, analytics
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - luisDVA/nba-overlap-app
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud
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