Hi everybody!
I'm an absolute newbie to R and with the help from a friend we together fiddled together this script: (See below). I played around with the script, trying different things and now it seems I have messed up the script When i try to get one factor as numeric. I keep getting this error message:
NAs introduced by coercionError in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Column `DoseFactorX` must be length 96 (the number of rows) or one, not 8
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Is anyone able to save my life? I'm devastated
for(j in 1:length(fileNames)){
# function to read all sheets from xlxs files
inpList <- list()
SheetNames <- openxlsx::getSheetNames(paste(inpDatadir,fileNames[j], sep=""))
for(i in 1:length(SheetNames)){
inp <- read_xlsx(paste(inpDatadir,fileNames[j], sep=""), sheet = i, range = "B12:M20")
inpList[[SheetNames[i]]] <- inp
for(i in 1:length(SheetNames)){
## extract dose and drug name from sheetnames
Sheetnam <- SheetNames[i]
DrugNames <- unlist(strsplit(Sheetnam, "_"))
Drug1 <- unlist(strsplit(DrugNames[2], "(?=[A-Za-z])(?<=[0-9])|(?=[0-9])(?<=[A-Za-z])", perl=TRUE))
Drug2 <- unlist(strsplit(DrugNames[3], "(?=[A-Za-z])(?<=[0-9])|(?=[0-9])(?<=[A-Za-z])", perl=TRUE))
celltype <- DrugNames[1]
DrugYDose <- Drug1[2]
DrugYName <- Drug1[1]
DrugXDose <- Drug2[2]
DrugXName <- Drug2[1]
## format data to longlist
test <- as.data.frame(inpList[[i]])
doseFactorY=rep(as.character(c(0,0,0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5,1,1)), 12)
testMod <- test %>% gather(., key="column", value="measure") %>% mutate(DoseFactorX=doseFactorX[as.numeric(column)]) %>% mutate(DoseFactorY=doseFactorY) %>% select(-column)
testSummary <- testMod %>% group_by(DoseFactorX, DoseFactorY) %>% summarise(mean=mean(measure), SD=sd(measure))
mean100 <- testSummary$mean[which(testSummary$DoseFactorX==0&testSummary$DoseFactorY==0)]
testSummary <- testSummary %>% mutate(relPerc=mean*100/mean100) %>% mutate(relSD=SD*100/mean100)
DoseX0 <- testSummary %>% filter(DoseFactorX==0 & DoseFactorY!=0) %>% mutate(factor=DoseFactorY) %>% mutate(meanDX=mean) %>% ungroup()%>% select(factor, meanDX)
DoseY0 <- testSummary %>% filter(DoseFactorX!=0 & DoseFactorY==0) %>% mutate(factor=DoseFactorX) %>% mutate(meanDY=mean) %>% ungroup()%>% select(factor, meanDY)
testSummary_mod <- testSummary %>% filter(DoseFactorY!=0) %>% filter(DoseFactorX!=0) %>% left_join(., DoseY0, by=c("DoseFactorX"="factor"))%>% left_join(., DoseX0, by=c("DoseFactorY"="factor"))
testSummaryCDI <- testSummary_mod %>% dplyr::mutate(CDI_div=mean/(as.numeric(meanDY)*as.numeric(meanDX)))
## plot heatmap CDI
DataMatrix <- testSummaryCDI %>% select(DoseFactorY, DoseFactorX, CDI_div) %>% spread(., DoseFactorX, CDI_div)
DataMatrix_fin <- DataMatrix %>% select(-DoseFactorY) %>% as.matrix(.)
rownames(DataMatrix_fin) <- DataMatrix$DoseFactorY
colLab <- as.numeric(colnames(DataMatrix_fin))*as.numeric(DrugXDose)
rowLab <- as.numeric(rownames(DataMatrix_fin))*as.numeric(DrugYDose)
BreaksVec <- seq(from=0, to=2, by=0.006)
colVec_pre <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name =
colFin1 <- rep(colVec_pre[100], 117)
colFin2 <- rep(colVec_pre[1], 117)
colVec <- c(colFin2, colVec_pre, colFin1)
pheatmap(mat = DataMatrix_fin, color= colVec, breaks=BreaksVec, display_numbers = T, border_color = "black", drop_levels = T, kmeans_k = NA, fontsize=12, fontface="bold", labels_col=colLab, labels_row=rowLab,
cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F, main = paste("CDI", celltype, DrugXName, "vs", DrugYName, sep= " "))
## plot heatmap mean
DataMatrix <- testSummary %>% select(DoseFactorY, DoseFactorX, relPerc) %>% spread(., DoseFactorX, relPerc)
DataMatrix_fin <- DataMatrix %>% select(-DoseFactorY) %>% as.matrix(.)
rownames(DataMatrix_fin) <- DataMatrix$DoseFactorY
colLab <- as.numeric(colnames(DataMatrix_fin))*as.numeric(DrugXDose)
rowLab <- as.numeric(rownames(DataMatrix_fin))*as.numeric(DrugYDose)
BreaksVec <- seq(from=0, to=201, by=1)
colVec_pre <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name =
colFin <- rep(colVec_pre[102], 100)
colVec <- c(colVec_pre, colFin)
pheatmap(mat = DataMatrix_fin, color= colVec, breaks=BreaksVec, display_numbers = T, border_color = "black", drop_levels = T, kmeans_k = NA, fontsize=12, fontface="bold", labels_col=colLab, labels_row=rowLab, legend=F,
cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F, main = paste("Viability", celltype, DrugXName, unitX, "vs", DrugYName, unitY,sep= " "))