NACHO: NAnostring quality Control dasHbOard - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

NACHO: NAnostring quality Control dasHbOard

Authors: Mickaël CANOUIL (app/package), Roderick SLIEKER (package), Gerard BOULAND (package)
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: NACHO is an R package providing a Shiny App to visualise quality-control metrics for the NanoString Technology. The app allows the user to see and list outliers based on several metrics and to assess the normalisation of the mRNA/miRNA counts for each samples.

Full Description: NACHO (NAnostring quality Control dasHbOard) is developed for NanoString nCounter data.
NanoString nCounter data is a messenger-RNA/micro-RNA (mRNA/miRNA) expression assay and works with fluorescent barcodes.
Each barcode is assigned a mRNA/miRNA, which can be counted after bonding with its target.
As a result each count of a specific barcode represents the presence of its target mRNA/miRNA.

NACHO is able to load, visualise and normalise the exported NanoString nCounter data and facilitates the user in performing a quality control.
NACHO does this by visualising quality control metrics, expression of control genes, principal components and sample specific size factors in an interactive web application.

(doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz647.)

Category: Research
Keywords: quality-control; normalisation; nanostring; mRNA/miRNA expression
Shiny app: (and
Repo: GitHub - mcanouil/NACHO: NAnostring quality Control dasHbOard
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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