I have created a simple shiny app to visualize some omics data coming from our lab. Source code here: https://github.com/amitjavilaventura/DPomics.
After deploying with rsconnect
I got some issues:
Preparing to deploy application...
Update application currently deployed at
https://amitjavilaventura.shinyapps.io/DPomics/? [Y/n] Y
Uploading bundle for application: 3517266...DONE
Deploying bundle: 4304007 for application: 3517266 ...
Waiting for task: 883454735
building: Parsing manifest
################################ Begin Task Log ################################
################################# End Task Log #################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 883454740 failed: Error parsing manifest: Unable to determine package source for Bioconductor package RBGL: Repository must be specified
In addition: Warning messages:
1: invalid uid value replaced by that for user 'nobody'
2: invalid gid value replaced by that for user 'nobody'
Nevertheless, the app seems to work correctly, but if I upload a big file (25Mb) it suddenly disconnects from the server, and I don't know exactly why. The same happens if I upload a smaller file (2Mb) and I continue to use the app.
I think it may be related to the memory usage, because I have a maximum of 1GB. Can someone tell me if this is the problem?
Could I solve it splitting the app in smaller apps?