I strongly recommend you edit your previous reply and delete the secret credentials. As for the rest, I can't tell which is part of your app code, which is from a command line or some other source. Try deleting the entire reply and then posting just your app code using the reprex approach explained here. You do not need to include any data, just the application code.
##Hosting your shiny app on web install.packages("rsconnect") #library(rsconnect)
Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("My practise Shiny App"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
"Please type your name:",
value ="Subi Makenzi" ),
"Select your Village",
sliderInput("Age","How old are you:",min=1,max=100,step =1,value =100),
radioButtons("sex","select gender:",choices =c("male","Female")),
dateInput("date","Enterdate of birth",value ="1943-01-01" ),
# Input: Number of points to generate
sliderInput("num_points", "Number of points:", min = 10, max = 500, step = 10, value = 100),
# Button to generate new random data
actionButton("generate", "Generate Random Data"),
selectInput("shukuru","Appreciate:",choices=c("Thank you","zii","Godbless you") )
# Show outputs: Greeting message and scatter plot
plotOutput("scatterPlot") # Add a scatter plot output
Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
Greeting message
output$Greetings <- renderText({
paste("A Big farm in", input$Home, "is", "[", input$name, "]", "!",
"He/She is", input$Age, "years old", ";", "A", input$sex,'HE DEALS WITH SASSO F1 FROM UZIMA AND IS THEIR ONLY ARGENT IN RANGWE',";","Thank you my good customers",input$shukuru)
Reactive expression to generate random data when the button is clicked
random_data <- eventReactive(input$generate, {
x = rnorm(input$num_points, mean = 50, sd = 10), # Generate X values
y = rnorm(input$num_points, mean = 50, sd = 15) # Generate Y values
Scatter plot of generated data
output$scatterPlot <- renderPlot({
data <- random_data() # Get the generated data
plot(data$x, data$y, col = "blue", pch = 19, main = "Random Scatter Plot",
xlab = "X values (Normal Distribution)", ylab = "Y values (Normal Distribution)")
Your latest response is still hard to read due to poor formatting. There are three lines of code under "##Hosting your shiny app on web", with the second line commented out and the third line not commented out. I can't tell if the first line is commented. Are those lines in your app file and, if so, is the first line commented out. (Neither the first nor second line belongs in the app file.)