mutate based on categories available in the data

Hi everyone,

I need your help on this dataset (sample):

region	sector	index
A	health	 0.94 
B	health	 1.04 
C	health	 1.12 
D	health	 1.01 
E	health	 1.01 
F	health	 1.06 
G	health	 1.00 
H	health	 1.21 
I	health	 1.08 
J	health	 1.01 
A	edu	 1.20 
B	edu	 1.12 
C	edu	 1.11 
D	edu	 0.85 
E	edu	 1.06 
F	edu	 1.19 
G	edu	 1.10 
H	edu	 1.06 
I	edu	 0.96 
J	edu	 1.08 
A	trade	 1.09 
B	trade	 0.99 
C	trade	 1.11 
D	trade	 0.93 
E	trade	 1.00 
F	trade	 0.98 
G	trade	 1.05 
H	trade	 1.03 
I	trade	 0.91 
J	trade	 1.05 

I would like to add new column (kuartile) in my dataset, the column values is the quartile of the other column (index) based on categories available in sector column using codes as follow:

x <- c(a  =  tes %>% filter(sector=="health"),
        b  =  tes %>% filter(sector=="edu"),
        c  =  tes %>% filter(sector=="trade"))
q = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
tes2 <- for (i in seq_along(x)) 
         {tes %>% mutate(kuartile=(case_when (indeks<=quantile(indeks, probs=q[1]) ~ "q1",
                                             indeks > quantile(indeks, probs=q[1]) & indeks <= quantile(indeks, probs=q[2]) ~ "q2",
                                             indeks > quantile(indeks, probs=q[2]) & indeks <= quantile(indeks, probs=q[3]) ~ "q3",
                                             TRUE ~ "q4")


However the result is NULL.

I assume tes is your original data set. Why are you creating a list {x}

List of 9
 $ a.region: chr [1:10] "A" "B" "C" "D" ...
 $ a.sector: chr [1:10] "health" "health" "health" "health" ...
 $ a.index : num [1:10] 0.94 1.04 1.12 1.01 1.01 1.06 1 1.21 1.08 1.01
 $ b.region: chr [1:10] "A" "B" "C" "D" ...
 $ b.sector: chr [1:10] "edu" "edu" "edu" "edu" ...
 $ b.index : num [1:10] 1.2 1.12 1.11 0.85 1.06 1.19 1.1 1.06 0.96 1.08
 $ c.region: chr [1:10] "A" "B" "C" "D" ...
 $ c.sector: chr [1:10] "trade" "trade" "trade" "trade" ...
 $ c.index : num [1:10] 1.09 0.99 1.11 0.93 1 0.98 1.05 1.03 0.91 1.05

I just do not understand what you are doing.


Your data set has the column index but you are writing indeks elsewhere.

Perhaps what you want is something like this?


df <- tribble(
  ~region, ~sector,	~index,
  "A", "health",  0.94,
  "B", "health",  1.04,
  "C", "health",  1.12, 
  "D", "health",  1.01, 
  "E", "health",  1.01, 
  "F", "health",  1.06, 
  "G", "health",  1.00, 
  "H", "health",  1.21, 
  "I", "health",  1.08, 
  "J", "health",  1.01, 
  "A", "edu",  1.20, 
  "B", "edu",  1.12, 
  "C", "edu",  1.11, 
  "D", "edu",  0.85, 
  "E", "edu",  1.06, 
  "F", "edu",  1.19, 
  "G", "edu",  1.10, 
  "H", "edu",  1.06, 
  "I", "edu",  0.96, 
  "J", "edu",  1.08, 
  "A", "trade",  1.09, 
  "B", "trade",  0.99, 
  "C", "trade",  1.11, 
  "D", "trade",  0.93, 
  "E", "trade",  1.00, 
  "F", "trade",  0.98, 
  "G", "trade",  1.05, 
  "H", "trade",  1.03, 
  "I", "trade",  0.91, 
  "J", "trade",  1.05,

tes <- mutate(df, 
       .by = sector,
       quantile = cut(
           breaks = quantile(
             probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25)
           include.lowest = TRUE,

Thanks alot bro, I really appreciate it..

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