MustWants Agent App - Shiny Contest Submission

MustWants Agent App

Authors: Matthew A. DeLoia

Abstract: The MustWants Agent App empowers its Agents and home buyers with zip code specific details from recent housing market information.

The App sidebar allows selection of an area of interest (i.e., city) to display on the map in Tab 1, "Markets by Zip." The the user can then select a zip code within the area of interest to chart in Tab 2, "Listing Prices." The chart includes median listing prices and active listing counts, plotted monthly to show the recent market history and seasonal influences on the market. Other key features of the App include public and private school information, an area wealth comparison, and a listing of MustWants Agents in the vicinity.

Full Description: The MustWants Agent App empowers its Agents with zip code specific details from recent housing market information. The App sidebar allows selection of an area of interest (i.e., city) to display on the map in Tab 1, "Markets by Zip." Details overlaid on the map include a coloration of area wealth, public and private schools, and local MustWants Agents. A click on a zip code reveals current market information.

Also within the sidebar, the user can select a zip code of interest to chart in Tab 2, "Listing Prices." The chart includes both median listing prices and active listing counts, plotted monthly to show potential seasonal influences on the market. This App is intended for military home buyers, too, as the typical military family moves many times during a career of service.

This App may help influence decisions on areas to explore around a military installation and the local MustWants Agents to contact for assistance. This App serves as a first step to building a suite of analysis tools on the MustWants website (

Shiny app: MustWants Agent App
Repo: GitHub - mattdeloia/Posit-RShiny-Contest-2024: Repository for MustWants RShiny App files


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