MusicMatchup - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Dave Brocker

Abstract: Users will first be greeted with a dialog box that titles the app and gives a short summary. Users will 6 cards, one of which is active upon loading the page, and 5 that will be populated by a value the user enters. Users can begin to type in an artist and a dropdown menu will appear that lets them type in the verbatim artist name that Spotify API's use. This creates a network diagram showing the user's artist in the middle and 20 related artists. Users can click on an artist to see a zoomed in overview as well as hear a sample track.

Full Description: This Shiny App utilizes the Spotify API and creates network graphs that are varied by size based on amount of followers an artist has. There is a re-roll button that can be used to search for a new artist, without needing to rewrite anything.

Shiny app: MusicMatchup
Repo: GitHub - DavidBrocker/MusicMatchup


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