Multivariate time series


I am very new working with time series. Could anyone assist step by step? Like which package to use or model to forecast for the below data.
year device volume
2017-09 985 1993
2017-10 1274 2828
2017-11 1090 2245
2017-12 940 1980
2018-01 1177 2537
2018-02 1163 2354
2018-03 1182 2314
2018-04 1162 2650
2018-05 1303 3216
2018-06 1387 3303
2018-07 1278 2995
2018-08 1459 3405
2018-09 1253 2760
2018-10 1308 2909
2018-11 1208 2596
2018-12 1032 2156
2019-01 1151 2558
2019-02 1160 2544
2019-03 1087 2303
2019-04 1152 2580
2019-05 1295 2927
2019-06 1268 2953
2019-07 1229 2860
2019-08 1418 3374
2019-09 1629 3825
2019-10 1566 3785
2019-11 1068 2435

Hi, and welcome!

Questions with a reproducible example, called a reprex will generally attract more and better answers, for future reference.

For an overview of the many packages in R for time series analysis, see the task view

Also, look at the example in help(ts)

## Multivariate
z <- ts(matrix(rnorm(300), 100, 3), start = c(1961, 1), frequency = 12)
#> [1] "mts"    "ts"     "matrix"
head(z) # as "matrix"
#>         Series 1   Series 2    Series 3
#> [1,]  0.07129375 -0.9559271  0.50141145
#> [2,]  1.04050834  1.2487662  0.15265760
#> [3,] -0.90468845 -0.8182468  0.23045436
#> [4,] -0.52113401 -0.1170084 -0.18582983
#> [5,]  0.50699136 -1.0571156 -0.03490444
#> [6,]  0.82524283  0.3112594  1.31767778

plot(z, plot.type = "single", lty = 1:3)

Created on 2019-12-17 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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