Multiple panels for multi variate time series plots

Hi All,

My data set contains three variables - Shipment, Production and Net Production Qty
and all these are in time-series.
I'm trying to visualize the time series plot with multiple panels each for one variable in a single plot. Also I'd like to visualize the panels stacked one below another with only one X-axis(time) at the bottom for all the three panels.
I have attached my Data frame and ts objects here.
Could anyone please help me with this request.

DF<-structure(list(YearWeek = c("201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", 
                                "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", 
                                "201912", "201913", "201914", "201915", "201916", "201917", "201918", 
                                "201919", "201920", "201921", "201922", "201923", "201924", "201925", 
                                "201926", "201927", "201928", "201929", "201930", "201931", "201932", 
                                "201933", "201934", "201935", "201936", "201937", "201938", "201939", 
                                "201940", "201941", "201942", "201943", "201944", "201945", "201946", 
                                "201947", "201948", "201949", "201950", "201951", "201952", "202001", 
                                "202002", "202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202007", "202008", 
                                "202009", "202010", "202011", "202012", "202013", "202014", "202015", 
                                "202016", "202017", "202018", "202019", "202020", "202021", "202022", 
                                "202023", "202024", "202025", "202026", "202027", "202028", "202029", 
                                "202030", "202031", "202032", "202033", "202034", "202035", "202036", 
                                "202037", "202038", "202039", "202040", "202041", "202042", "202043", 
                                "202044", "202045", "202046", "202047", "202048", "202049", "202050", 
                                "202051", "202052", "202053", "202101", "202102", "202103", "202104", 
                                "202105", "202106", "202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", 
                                "202112", "202113", "202114", "202115", "202116", "202117", "202118", 
                                "202119", "202120", "202121", "202122", "202123", "202124", "202125", 
                                "202126", "202127", "202128", "202129", "202130", "202131", "202132", 
                                "202133", "202134", "202135", "202136", "202137", "202138", "202139", 
                                "202140", "202141", "202142", "202143"), Shipment = c(418, 1442, 
                                                                                      1115, 1203, 1192, 1353, 1191, 1411, 933, 1384, 1362, 1353, 1739, 
                                                                                      1751, 1595, 1380, 1711, 2058, 1843, 1602, 2195, 2159, 2009, 1812, 
                                                                                      2195, 1763, 821, 1892, 1781, 2071, 1789, 1789, 1732, 1384, 1435, 
                                                                                      1247, 1839, 2034, 1963, 1599, 1596, 1548, 1084, 1350, 1856, 1882, 
                                                                                      1979, 1021, 1311, 2031, 1547, 591, 724, 1535, 1268, 1021, 1269, 
                                                                                      1763, 1275, 1411, 1847, 1379, 1606, 1473, 1180, 926, 800, 840, 
                                                                                      1375, 1755, 1902, 1921, 1743, 1275, 1425, 1088, 1416, 1168, 842, 
                                                                                      1185, 1570, 1435, 1209, 1470, 1368, 1926, 1233, 1189, 1245, 1465, 
                                                                                      1226, 887, 1489, 1369, 1358, 1179, 1200, 1226, 1066, 823, 1913, 
                                                                                      2308, 1842, 910, 794, 1098, 1557, 1417, 1851, 1876, 1010, 160, 
                                                                                      1803, 1607, 1185, 1347, 1700, 981, 1191, 1058, 1464, 1513, 1333, 
                                                                                      1169, 1294, 978, 962, 1254, 987, 1290, 758, 436, 579, 636, 614, 
                                                                                      906, 982, 649, 564, 502, 274, 473, 506, 902, 639, 810, 398, 488
                                ), Production = c(0, 198, 1436, 1055, 1396, 1330, 1460, 1628, 
                                                  1513, 1673, 1737, 1274, 1726, 1591, 2094, 1411, 2009, 1909, 1759, 
                                                  1693, 1748, 1455, 2078, 1717, 1737, 1886, 862, 1382, 1779, 1423, 
                                                  1460, 1454, 1347, 1409, 1203, 1235, 1397, 1563, 1411, 1455, 1706, 
                                                  688, 1446, 1336, 1618, 1404, 1759, 746, 1560, 1665, 1317, 0, 
                                                  441, 1390, 1392, 1180, 1477, 1265, 1485, 1495, 1543, 1584, 1575, 
                                                  1609, 1233, 1420, 908, 1008, 1586, 1392, 1385, 1259, 1010, 973, 
                                                  1053, 905, 1101, 1196, 891, 1033, 925, 889, 1136, 1058, 1179, 
                                                  1047, 967, 900, 904, 986, 1014, 945, 1030, 1066, 1191, 1143, 
                                                  1292, 574, 1174, 515, 1296, 1315, 1241, 0, 0, 1182, 1052, 1107, 
                                                  1207, 1254, 1055, 258, 1471, 1344, 1353, 1265, 1444, 791, 1397, 
                                                  1186, 1264, 1032, 949, 1059, 954, 798, 956, 1074, 1136, 1209, 
                                                  975, 833, 994, 1127, 1153, 1202, 1234, 1336, 1484, 1515, 1151, 
                                                  1175, 976, 1135, 1272, 869, 1900, 1173), Net.Production.Qty = c(22, 
                                                                                                                  188, 1428, 1031, 1382, 1368, 1456, 1578, 1463, 1583, 1699, 1318, 
                                                                                                                  1582, 1537, 2118, 1567, 1961, 1897, 1767, 1603, 1666, 1419, 2186, 
                                                                                                                  1621, 1677, 1840, 698, 1290, 1411, 927, 1754, 1222, 1411, 1549, 
                                                                                                                  1491, 1359, 1179, 1945, 1463, 1465, 1764, 764, 810, 1308, 1830, 
                                                                                                                  1542, 1695, 544, 1482, 1673, 1659, 0, 445, 1358, 1364, 1224, 
                                                                                                                  1417, 1239, 1387, 1595, 1469, 1624, 1643, 1763, 1217, 1456, 568, 
                                                                                                                  1290, 1666, 1428, 1327, 773, 1118, 1231, 1143, 921, 1083, 1124, 
                                                                                                                  935, 903, 937, 849, 1132, 1032, 1143, 1081, 891, 886, 880, 1002, 
                                                                                                                  1072, 969, 1000, 996, 1243, 1183, 1306, 650, 1226, 553, 1306, 
                                                                                                                  1379, 1359, -4, -10, 1182, 988, 1099, 1173, 1244, 1039, 254, 
                                                                                                                  1425, 1318, 1385, 1221, 1364, 739, 1397, 1112, 1160, 924, 971, 
                                                                                                                  1015, 978, 828, 868, 994, 1090, 1165, 783, 887, 934, 1023, 1045, 
                                                                                                                  1114, 1052, 1186, 1456, 1401, 1249, 779, 430, 1625, 1498, 883, 
                                                                                                                  1860, 1101)), row.names = c(NA, 148L), class = "data.frame")
DF.ts<-ts(DF.2,frequency = 52,start = c(2019,1),end = c(2021,43))
autoplot(DF.ts,ts.colour = 'red',ts.linetype = 'dashed')

Are you after something like this?


You can use the time series tools in the feasts and fable packages.


df <- as_tsibble(DF.ts)

autoplot(df) +
  facet_wrap(~key, nrow = 3) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Thank you William. This is what I did expect. One question though how to change the X axis title from index 1s to Year week. Also is it possible to show year weeks in the X axis along with year(not expecting to have full week numbers- something like wk1, wk13,wk26 and wk52)

I suppose you could do something like this.


df <- as_tsibble(DF.ts) %>% 
  mutate(index = as_date(index)) %>% 

ggplot(df, aes(index, value, colour = key)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~key, nrow = 3) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(x = "week(year)") +
  scale_x_date(breaks = "20 weeks", date_labels = "%W(%y)")


Thank you William... Is scale_x_ date a ggplot2 function?. Also if the breaks was set to 20 weeks then how does 2019 starting week is showing 12 on the plot above?
And thank you again for the help.

Yeah, it has been converted from tsibble to tibble and uses the ggplot2 syntax including scale_x_date. Not sure why 12 is the first week shown, but you could play around with the parameters.

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