I'm trying to do multiple linear regressions that are dependent on multiple UI inputs in shiny and struggling to get them to work in a reactive environment.
If I remove the UI input or output as a renderText() then they work but not as is in the example below.
Any help greatly appreciated!!!
ui <- fluidPage(
selectizeInput("Event", "", choices = df1$event, width = "85%"),
selectizeInput("Name", "", choices = df1$athlete, width = "85%"),
numericInput("Prediction", "Target time (s):", 56, min = 0, max = 150, step = 0.1, width = "85%")
DTOutput("table", width= "50%")
server <- function(input, output) {
TTime = c(61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,69,68,67,66)
L1_15m = c(6.8,6.76,7.64,7.44,7.4,6.96,6.88,6.42,6.22,6.36,6.1,6.2,6.52,7.54)
L1_5in = c(3.06,2.89,2.86,2.78,3.01,3.04,2.9,3,2.76,3.08,2.74,2.82,2.72,3.12)
L2_15m = c(9.34,9.11,9.78,9.56,9.45,9.26,9.08,9.02,8.98,9.02,8.88,9.02,9.08,9.68)
athlete = c('Athlete_A','Athlete_B','Athlete_C','Athlete_C','Athlete_C','Athlete_D','Athlete_D','Athlete_B','Athlete_E',
event = c('event1', 'event1', 'event2', 'event1', 'event2', 'event2', 'event1', 'event2',
'event1', 'event1', 'event2', 'event1','event2', 'event2')
df1 <- data.frame(event, athlete, TTime, L1_15m, L1_5in, L2_15m)
df1b <- reactive({
df1 %>% filter(event == input$Event)
# target <- reactive({
# input$Prediction
# })
#target = 52.8
lm_df <- reactive({
target = input$Prediction
start <- lm(L1_15m ~ TTime, data = df1b)
startp <- round((start$coef[1]) + (start$coef[2] * target), 2)
wall5m <- lm(L1_5in ~ TTime, data = df1b)
wall5mp <- round((wall5m$coef[1]) + (wall5m$coef[2] * target), 2)
wall15m <- lm(L2_15m ~ TTime, data = df1b)
wall15mp <- round((wall15m$coef[1]) + (wall15m$coef[2] * target), 2)
totalp = input$Prediction
preds = c(totalp, startp, wall5mp, wall15mp)
time = c('TTime', 'L1_15m', 'L1_5in', 'L2_15m')
preds_time <- data.frame(time, preds)
df2 <- reactive({
df1 %>% filter(swimmer == input$Name) %>%
arrange(TTime) %>% slice(1:1) %>%
gather(TTime, L1_15m, L1_5in, L2_15m, key='time', value='pb') %>%
select(time, pb) %>%
left_join(preds_time, by='time') %>%
mutate(diff = round(pb - preds, 2))
output$table <- renderDT({
options = list(
dom = ''),
rownames = FALSE)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)