Multiple input variables in shiny server

I want to update my output according to 3 different input variables, but the output is just updated by "var". I know that I should update the data <- reactive({}) function for "var", "Group", and "Timepoint", but I need help! I tried multiple ways but non of them worked!
Thanks for your support in advance.

> head(metab)
  Replicate Group Timepoint        M0       M1     M2 M3 M4
1         1  DM         0   462276966 18832499 123172  0  0
2         2  DM         0   389073706 16540080 104004  0  0
3         3  DM         0   440497937 18778082  74654  0  0
4         4  DM         0   339266538 14427218  89319  0  0
5         5  DM         0   476276612 20352483  51748  0  0
6         6  DM         0   392164060 16587310 111081  0  0


metab<- read.csv("metab.csv")
metab[,c("M0","M1","M2","M3","M4")] <- sapply(metab[,c("M0","M1","M2","M3","M4")],as.numeric)

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("weight Expectation"),
      selectInput("var",label="Choose an ...",choice=c("M0"=4,
                                                                "M4"=8), selectize=FALSE),
    selectInput(inputId = "Group", label = strong("Group"),
                choices = unique(metab$Group),
                selected = "DM"),
    selectInput(inputId = "Timepoint", label = strong("Timepoint"),
                choices = unique(metab$Timepoint),
                selected = 30),

server <- function(input,output){

  data <- reactive({

  output$statistic <- renderPrint({
  output$box <- renderPlot({
    boxplot(x,col="sky blue",border="purple")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

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