Mudança de idioma/linguagem (português).

Sou iniciante e não estou conseguindo mudar o idioma do R Studio para PORTUGUÊS, poderiam me ajudar como fazer?

Hi @Gilmar_Viriato , if I'm remember well, only is possible select two languages: English and French.

Tools > Global options > General/Advanced

But I don't know if a super R user can change with other lenguages.

I do not read Portuguese but does this help?

I appreciate it, but I need the structure and texts in Portuguese.
This is a manual, thanks anyway.

Parece que existe um comando dentro do R studio que permite a mudança de idioma.

You can change R language just by changing your system's locale but the RStudio interface language choices are hard code. It is possible, in theory, if you are willing to modify RStudio's source code and compile it yourself but it seems like a lot of effort for a little gain.

I would like to see a brother multilingual approach by Posit on the RStudio IDE, like allowing users to add custom translation files. I think you could file a feature request on the GitHub repository for RStudio since it is the best place for it.

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