Movecost package cost output

Hi, I'm running the movecost package but am not seeing the output I expected. The package notes state "The cost value is also appended to the updated destination locations dataset returned by the function, which stores a new variable labelled cost. If the cost is expressed in terms of walking time, the labels accompanying each destination location will express time in sexagesimal numbers (hours, minutes, seconds). " Example output does show labels as hh:mm:ss

Yet I see values such as 4.447143 at the destination location. I'd upload a screenshot but as a new user I'm blocked from doing so.

I'm fairly new to RStudio, so any suggestions would be fab.

Am running:

Dertosa Lat and Long

Dertosa_lat <- -0.517
Dertosa_long <- 40.777

Ruscino Lat and Long

Ruscino_lat <- 2.8809
Ruscino_long <- 42.7591

orig_points <- SpatialPoints(coords = cbind(Dertosa_lat,Dertosa_long))
dest_points <- SpatialPoints(coords = cbind(Ruscino_lat,Ruscino_long))

dtm = medmap, #
origin= orig_points, #
destin = dest_points,#
studyplot = NULL, #
barrier = NULL, # A barrier can be added to prevent a route from passing through
plot.barrier = FALSE,# Works with above
irregular.dtm = TRUE,# Indicates an irregular DTM with coastlines and helps prevent attempts to cross water
funct = "t", # t for Toblers on-path hiking function, pcf for Pandolf with Santee correction
time = "m", # Cost in hours or minutes
outp = "r", # Output in Raster or Contours
move = 16, # number of cell connections 4 (rooks case), 8 (queens), 16 (Knight)
field = 0, # value assigned to cells coinciding with barrier (0 by default)
cogn.slp = FALSE, # Cognitive slope, allow choice of route based on hikers perceived, not actual, slope
sl.crit = 10, # Critical slope (in percent). Used by wheeled vehicle cost function
W = 70, # Walkers body weight Kg
L = 0, # Carried load weight in Kg, 46 - heavy infantry, 32 - Balearic
N = 1.20, # Terrain difficulty
V = 0, # Only used in Pandolfs, set to 0 to allow slope to effect speed
z = 9, # Zoom level for elevation data (9 by default)
return.base = FALSE, # Optional calculation of return route in dotted line
rb.lty = 2, # Type of line used in return.base
breaks = NULL, # Contour interval, if none specified then 1/10 of cost surface used
cont.lab = TRUE, # Optional labeling of contours
destin.lab = TRUE, # Optional labeling of cost at destination
cex.breaks = 0.6, # Set size of cost labels
cex.lcp.lab = 0.6, # Set size of least cost path labels
graph.out = TRUE, # To generate graphical output
transp = 0.5, # Set transparency of slopeshade raster
oneplot = FALSE, # Set if plots to appear in single window
export = FALSE # Can have results exported as GeoTiff file