mmce.test.mean = NA for Neuralnet & Random Forest Hyperparameter Tuning in mlr

I am using mlr to create ML models for research. I would use mlr3, but the paper that I am building on uses mlr, hence why I am sticking with the older library.

I am having an issue with the performance metrics of the hyperparameter tuning on two of the models I'm using - neuralnet and randomforest.

Here is my code for a function that I use to return a predictor of a given type (NB: TUNEITERS = 100L and RESAMPLING = cv5:

getPredictor <- function(ml_alg_id, 
                         target_values) {
  # Task for classification.
  data.task = makeClassifTask(id = data_id,
                              data = data,
                              target = target,
                              positive = target_values[POS_CLV_INDEX])
  # Initialise parallelisation.
  parallelMap::parallelStartSocket(parallel::detectCores(), level = "mlr.tuneParams")
  # Choose & train the model and set the predictor.
  pred = NULL
  if (ml_alg_id == NN_ALG_ID) {
    # Learner: Neural network.
    lrn = makeLearner("classif.nnet",
                      predict.type = "prob",
                      fix.factors.prediction = TRUE)
    # Normalisation/dummy encode.
    data.lrn = cpoScale() %>>% cpoDummyEncode() %>>% lrn
    # Parameters for tuning.
    param_grid = makeParamSet(
      makeNumericParam("size", lower = 1, upper = 20),
      makeNumericParam("decay", lower = 0.1, upper = 0.9)
    # Random search for tuning method.
    tune_control = makeTuneControlRandom(maxit = TUNEITERS)
    # Tune.
    data.lrn.tuned = tuneParams(data.lrn, 
                                task = data.task, 
                                resampling = RESAMPLING, 
                                par.set = param_grid, 
                                control = tune_control)
    # Train the model.
    data.model = mlr::train(data.lrn.tuned$learner, data.task)
    # Set as predictor.
    pred = Predictor$new(model = data.model,
                         data = data,
                         class = target_values[POS_CLV_INDEX])
  else if (ml_alg_id == RF_ALG_ID) {
    # Learner: Random Forest.
    lrn = makeLearner("classif.randomForest", 
                      predict.type = "prob", 
                      fix.factors.prediction = TRUE)
    # Parameters for tuning.
    param_grid = makeParamSet(
      makeIntegerParam("ntree", lower = 50, upper = 500),
      makeIntegerParam("mtry", lower = 1, upper = ncol(data) - 1)
    # Random search for tuning method.
    tune_control = makeTuneControlRandom(maxit = TUNEITERS)
    # Tune.
    lrn.tuned = tuneParams(lrn, 
                           task = data.task, 
                           resampling = RESAMPLING, 
                           par.set = param_grid, 
                           control = tune_control)
    # Train the model.
    data.model = mlr::train(lrn.tuned$learner, data.task)
    # Set as predictor.
    pred = Predictor$new(model = data.model,
                         data = data,
                         class = target_values[POS_CLV_INDEX])
  else if (ml_alg_id == SVM_ALG_ID) {
    # Learner: Support Vector Machine.
    lrn = makeLearner("classif.svm", predict.type = "prob")
    # Normalisation/dummy encode.
    data.lrn = cpoScale() %>>% cpoDummyEncode() %>>% lrn
    # Parameters for tuning.
    param.set = pSS(
      cost: numeric[0.01, 1]
    # Tune.
    ctrl = makeTuneControlRandom(maxit = TUNEITERS * length(param.set$pars))
    lrn.tuning = makeTuneWrapper(lrn, RESAMPLING, list(mlr::acc), param.set, ctrl, = FALSE)
    res = tuneParams(lrn, data.task, RESAMPLING, par.set = param.set, control = ctrl,
            = FALSE)
    performance = resample(lrn.tuning, data.task, RESAMPLING, list(mlr::acc))$aggr
    data.lrn = setHyperPars2(data.lrn, res$x) 
    # Train the model.
    data.model = mlr::train(data.lrn, data.task)
    # Set as predictor.
    pred = Predictor$new(model = data.model, 
                         data = data, 
                         class = target_values[POS_CLV_INDEX],
                         conditional = FALSE)
    # Fit conditional inference trees.
    ctr = partykit::ctree_control(maxdepth = 5L)
    pred$conditionals = fit_conditionals(pred$data$get.x(), ctrl = ctr)
  else {
    stop("Error: Invalid ML algorithm ID passed to getPredictor()")
  # Stop parallelisation.

Here is the message I receive for the result of a neuralnet hyperparameter tuning:

I also get mmce.test.mean=NA for random forests too.

As shown, I am using dummy encoding with mlrCPO for the neuralnet model. I am using no such encoding for random forest as I believe it can handle heterogeneous datasets.

What am I doing wrong here to cause mmce.test.mean=NA?

It was an issue with this line. I changed it to makeIntegerParam() and it worked. It seems it was skipping over the parameter.

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