Meta-analysis funnel plot

> View(Book2)                                                                   
> glimpse(Book2)
Rows: 4
Columns: 5
$ Author  <chr> "A", "B", "C", "D"
$ event.e <dbl> 205, 352, 122, 221
$ n.e     <dbl> 221, 352, 125, 222
$ event.c <dbl> 201, 356, 124, 231
$ n.c     <dbl> 216, 358, 126, 234
> m.bin <- metabin(event.e = event.e, 
+                  n.e = n.e,
+                  event.c = event.c,
+                  n.c = n.c,
+                  studlab = Author,
+                  data = Book2,
+                  sm = "RR",
+                  method = "MH",
+                  MH.exact = TRUE,
+                  fixed = TRUE,
+                  random = TRUE,
+                  method.tau = "PM",
+         = "HK",
+                  title = "Depression and Mortality")
+                  forest(m.bin, layout = "RevMan5")

What additional code is needed to change expeiremntal label to new medication and control to remain old medication

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1 Like
Rows: 4
Columns: 5
$ Author  <chr> "A", "B", "C", "D"
$ event.e <dbl> 205, 352, 122, 221
$ n.e     <dbl> 221, 352, 125, 222
$ event.c <dbl> 201, 356, 124, 231
$ n.c     <dbl> 216, 358, 126, 234
> m.bin <- metabin(event.e = event.e, 
+                  n.e = n.e,
+                  event.c = event.c,
+                  n.c = n.c,
+                  studlab = author,
+                  data = Book2,
+                  sm = "RR",
+                  method = "MH",
+                  MH.exact = TRUE,
+                  fixed = TRUE,
+                  random = TRUE,
+                  method.tau = "PM",
+         = "HK",
+                  title = "Depression and Mortality")
Error in eval(matchcall[[match(argname, names(matchcall))]], data, enclos = encl) : 
  object 'author' not found
> m.bin <- metabin(event.e = event.e, 
+                  n.e = n.e,
+                  event.c = event.c,
+                  n.c = n.c,
+                  studlab = Author,
+                  data = Book2,
+                  sm = "RR",
+                  method = "MH",
+                  MH.exact = TRUE,
+                  fixed = TRUE,
+                  random = TRUE,
+                  method.tau = "PM",
+         = "HK",
+                  title = "Depression and Mortality")
> summary(m.bin)
Review:     Depression and Mortality

      RR           95%-CI %W(common) %W(random)
A 0.9968 [0.9465; 1.0498]       22.5        1.8
B 1.0056 [0.9978; 1.0134]       39.0       78.3
C 0.9917 [0.9573; 1.0274]       13.7        3.8
D 1.0084 [0.9914; 1.0258]       24.9       16.2

Number of studies: k = 4
Number of observations: o = 1854 (o.e = 920, o.c = 934)
Number of events: e = 1812

                         RR           95%-CI  z|t p-value
Common effect model  1.0024 [0.9889; 1.0162] 0.35  0.7249
Random effects model 1.0054 [0.9996; 1.0112] 2.96  0.0594

Quantifying heterogeneity:
 tau^2 = 0 [0.0000; 0.0006]; tau = 0 [0.0000; 0.0251]
 I^2 = 0.0% [0.0%; 84.7%]; H = 1.00 [1.00; 2.56]

Test of heterogeneity:
    Q d.f. p-value
 0.80    3  0.8488

Details on meta-analytical method:
- Mantel-Haenszel method, without continuity correction) (common effect model)
- Inverse variance method (random effects model)
- Paule-Mandel estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 3)
- Continuity correction of 0.5 in studies with zero cell frequencies
  (only used to calculate individual study results)
> forest(m.bin, layout = "RevMan5")

This is the full code im wokring with

What meta-analysis package are you using?
It is better to paste your code between


This gives use formated code that is easier to read. Here is your code in this way

m.bin <- metabin(event.e = event.e,
             n.e = n.e,
             event.c = event.c,
             n.c = n.c,
             studlab = Author,
             data = Book2,
             sm = "RR",
             method = "MH",
             MH.exact = TRUE,
             fixed = TRUE,
             random = TRUE,
             method.tau = "PM",
    = "HK",
             title = "Depression and Mortality")

Hi i,m using meta-packages

> glimpse(Book2)
Rows: 4
Columns: 5
$ Author  <chr> "A", "B", "C", "D"
$ event.e <dbl> 205, 352, 122, 221
$ n.e     <dbl> 221, 352, 125, 222
$ event.c <dbl> 201, 356, 124, 231
$ n.c     <dbl> 216, 358, 126, 234
> library(dmetar)
> library(tidyverse)
> library(meta)
> m.bin <- metabin(event.e = event.e, 
+                  n.e = n.e,
+                  event.c = event.c,
+                  n.c = n.c,
+                  studlab = author,
+                  data = Book2,
+                  sm = "RR",
+                  method = "MH",
+                  MH.exact = TRUE,
+                  fixed = TRUE,
+                  random = TRUE,
+                  method.tau = "PM",
+         = "HK",
+                  title = "Depression and Mortality")
Error in eval(matchcall[[match(argname, names(matchcall))]], data, enclos = encl) : 
  object 'author' not found
> m.bin <- metabin(event.e = event.e, 
+                  n.e = n.e,
+                  event.c = event.c,
+                  n.c = n.c,
+                  studlab = Author,
+                  data = Book2,
+                  sm = "RR",
+                  method = "MH",
+                  MH.exact = TRUE,
+                  fixed = TRUE,
+                  random = TRUE,
+                  method.tau = "PM",
+         = "HK",
+                  title = "Depression and Mortality")
> summary(m.bin)
Review:     Depression and Mortality

      RR           95%-CI %W(common) %W(random)
A 0.9968 [0.9465; 1.0498]       22.5        1.8
B 1.0056 [0.9978; 1.0134]       39.0       78.3
C 0.9917 [0.9573; 1.0274]       13.7        3.8
D 1.0084 [0.9914; 1.0258]       24.9       16.2

Number of studies: k = 4
Number of observations: o = 1854 (o.e = 920, o.c = 934)
Number of events: e = 1812

                         RR           95%-CI  z|t p-value
Common effect model  1.0024 [0.9889; 1.0162] 0.35  0.7249
Random effects model 1.0054 [0.9996; 1.0112] 2.96  0.0594

Quantifying heterogeneity:
 tau^2 = 0 [0.0000; 0.0006]; tau = 0 [0.0000; 0.0251]
 I^2 = 0.0% [0.0%; 84.7%]; H = 1.00 [1.00; 2.56]

Test of heterogeneity:
    Q d.f. p-value
 0.80    3  0.8488

Details on meta-analytical method:
- Mantel-Haenszel method, without continuity correction) (common effect model)
- Inverse variance method (random effects model)
- Paule-Mandel estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 3)
- Continuity correction of 0.5 in studies with zero cell frequencies
  (only used to calculate individual study results)
> forest(m.bin, layout = "RevMan5")

That is the {meta) package?
Ah yes, I see the function metabin.

At the moment I do not see any obvious way to do what you want but I am not a {meta} user.

@LeoOng I have edited your posts to apply a quick format as code; however please in the future, consider formatting yourself.

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