Dear all,
I am trying to merge items from 2 datasets in rstudio, but it's not working and i also don't get an error notification. I created 2 new data sets, which include the items and then tried to merge them into one...
data_AT<-select(ess10SC_austria, actrolga, accalaw)
Data_EVS<-select(EVS_data_2017_2021, v29)
by =c("actrolga", "accalaw", "v29"),
all = TRUE)
I really hope someone can help me finding the mistake I made - or maybe i forgot something..?
kind regards
Ah okay, I understand. I just wanted to combine the items in general into a new data set, they have no similliar principle to combine by. Does it not work like that or can I use another function?
The purpose of a dataframe is to contain related information together. I would generally consider it misleading to force non related information together and give the illusion that the information is related ( when it isnt).
Have you considered that ? Where would the value be in your combining these things ?