Merge Dataframes to fill missing values

Just spotted the primary issue: the dates are treated as strings rather than dates, which is why 7/19/2023 precedes 8/27/2021! The fill() function was also missing the argument that says which columns to fill.

Here is a corrected solution that uses the lubridate package to treat dates correctly, and I'll replace the long column names by removing the lower-case letters so it's easier to compare rows, and only use the numeric portion of the unique IDs:

click here, and run hidden code first

original_table <- 
structure(list(EvaluationID = c("CY-TR-10058_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-20319_2023-07-22", 
"CY-TR-78315_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-28952_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-15126_2023-07-18", 
"CY-TR-32532_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-38511_2023-07-19", "CY-TR-22299_2023-07-21", 
"CY-TR-1467_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-34500_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-12968_2023-07-19", 
"CY-TR-69008_2023-07-18", "CY-TR-17347_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-3831_2023-07-19", 
"CY-TR-34930_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-22299_2022-09-02", "CY-TR-3831_2021-08-27", 
"CY-TR-28952_2021-08-28", "CY-TR-20319_2021-08-28", "CY-TR-1467_2021-08-29"
), PointID = c("CY-TR-10058", "CY-TR-20319", "CY-TR-78315", "CY-TR-28952", 
"CY-TR-15126", "CY-TR-32532", "CY-TR-38511", "CY-TR-22299", "CY-TR-1467", 
"CY-TR-34500", "CY-TR-12968", "CY-TR-69008", "CY-TR-17347", "CY-TR-3831", 
"CY-TR-34930", "CY-TR-22299", "CY-TR-3831", "CY-TR-28952", "CY-TR-20319", 
"CY-TR-1467"), StreamName = c("Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", NA, 
"Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "18 pup", "Gold Creek", 
"Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", NA, NA, "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", 
"Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", 
"Gold Creek"), FieldEvalDate = c("7/21/2023", "8/22/2023", "7/21/2023", 
"7/20/2023", "7/18/2023", "7/21/2023", "7/19/2023", "7/21/2023", 
"7/21/2023", "7/20/2023", "7/19/2023", "7/18/2023", "7/20/2023", 
"7/19/2023", "7/20/2023", "9/2/2022", "8/27/2021", "8/28/2021", 
"8/28/2021", "8/29/2021"), PointSelectionType = c("Targeted", 
"Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", 
"Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", 
"Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", 
"Targeted"), PctOverheadCover = c(31.8, 2.4, 66.4, 12.6, 9.7, 
3.6, 39.8, 3.7, 1.7, 2.5, 66.7, 55.9, 0.1, 0, 1.5, 2.1, 1.3, 
10.6, 0, 2.3), PctBankOverheadCover = c(81.8, 14.3, 77, 63.9, 
54.5, 32.9, 75.9, 25.4, 26.5, 23, 77.5, 67.9, 2.1, 12.8, 25, 
32.6, 19, 41.4, 4.1, 25.4), VegComplexity = c(1, NA, 1.53, NA, 
1.14, 0.68, 1.34, NA, NA, 0.91, 1.31, 1.32, 0.24, NA, 1.19, 0.48, 
0.96, 0.75, 0.45, 0.68), VegComplexityWoody = c(0.76, NA, 0.71, 
NA, 0.96, 0.45, 0.81, NA, NA, 0.68, 0.67, 0.66, 0.14, NA, 0.69, 
0.36, 0.44, 0.32, 0.27, 0.3), VegComplexityUnderstoryGround = c(0.59, 
NA, 0.43, NA, 0.86, 0.43, 0.79, NA, NA, 0.58, 0.67, 0.63, 0.14, 
NA, 0.68, 0.34, 0.43, 0.3, 0.27, 0.29), SpecificConductance = c(723, 
NA, 1522, NA, 663, 861, 299.1, NA, NA, 829, 402, 547, 670, NA, 
755, 664.6, 670.1, 805.2, 774.9, 832.4), pH = c(8.29, NA, 8.32, 
NA, 7.72, 8.16, 7.6, NA, NA, 7.99, 8.3, 8.25, 8.22, NA, 7.94, 
8.24, 8.05, 8.11, 8.28, 8.37), InstantTemp = c(9, NA, 8.7, NA, 
6.33, 7.46, 5.8, NA, NA, 11.8, 2.5, 6.6, 7.8, NA, 5.86, 6.9, 
2.4, 0.4, 3.5, 3.9), TurbidityAvg = c(6.54, NA, 3.46, NA, 37.2, 
18.53, 22.6, NA, NA, 19.82, 22.9, 579, 43.47, NA, 9.65, 28.64, 
5.75, 15.06, 25.94, 13.77), PoolCount = c(3, NA, 15, NA, 2, 11, 
12, NA, NA, 8, 33, 9, 1, NA, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0), PctPools = c(5.57, 
NA, 11.6, NA, 5.87, 11.62, 26.67, NA, NA, 18.24, 26.25, 9.37, 
1.73, NA, 5.21, 3.42, 3, 2.67, 2.68, 0)), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -20L))

Streamline and arrange original table:

original_table |> 
  # remove all lower-case letters from column names
  rename_with(\(x) str_remove_all(x, '[a-z]')) |> 
  # remove first column (obtained by pasting ID and date)
  select(!EID) |> 
  # remove column PST since only value is "Targeted"
  select(!PST) |> 
  # extract numeric unique ID
  mutate(PID = str_extract(PID, '[0-9]+')) |> 
  # change datatype of date column from chr to Date
  mutate(FED = parse_date(FED, format = '%m/%d/%Y')) |> 
  # arrange rows in reverse-chrnological order
  arrange(PID, desc(FED)) |> 
  print() -> arranged_streamlined_table
#> # A tibble: 20 Ɨ 14
#>    PID   SN    FED          POC  PBOC    VC   VCW  VCUG    SC     H    IT     TA
#>    <chr> <chr> <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 10058 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21  31.8  81.8  1     0.76  0.59  723   8.29  9      6.54
#>  2 12968 <NA>  2023-07-19  66.7  77.5  1.31  0.67  0.67  402   8.3   2.5   22.9 
#>  3 1467  Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   1.7  26.5 NA    NA    NA      NA  NA    NA     NA   
#>  4 1467  Goldā€¦ 2021-08-29   2.3  25.4  0.68  0.3   0.29  832.  8.37  3.9   13.8 
#>  5 15126 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-18   9.7  54.5  1.14  0.96  0.86  663   7.72  6.33  37.2 
#>  6 17347 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   0.1   2.1  0.24  0.14  0.14  670   8.22  7.8   43.5 
#>  7 20319 Goldā€¦ 2023-08-22   2.4  14.3 NA    NA    NA      NA  NA    NA     NA   
#>  8 20319 Goldā€¦ 2021-08-28   0     4.1  0.45  0.27  0.27  775.  8.28  3.5   25.9 
#>  9 22299 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   3.7  25.4 NA    NA    NA      NA  NA    NA     NA   
#> 10 22299 Goldā€¦ 2022-09-02   2.1  32.6  0.48  0.36  0.34  665.  8.24  6.9   28.6 
#> 11 28952 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20  12.6  63.9 NA    NA    NA      NA  NA    NA     NA   
#> 12 28952 Goldā€¦ 2021-08-28  10.6  41.4  0.75  0.32  0.3   805.  8.11  0.4   15.1 
#> 13 32532 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   3.6  32.9  0.68  0.45  0.43  861   8.16  7.46  18.5 
#> 14 34500 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   2.5  23    0.91  0.68  0.58  829   7.99 11.8   19.8 
#> 15 34930 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   1.5  25    1.19  0.69  0.68  755   7.94  5.86   9.65
#> 16 3831  Goldā€¦ 2023-07-19   0    12.8 NA    NA    NA      NA  NA    NA     NA   
#> 17 3831  Goldā€¦ 2021-08-27   1.3  19    0.96  0.44  0.43  670.  8.05  2.4    5.75
#> 18 38511 18 pā€¦ 2023-07-19  39.8  75.9  1.34  0.81  0.79  299.  7.6   5.8   22.6 
#> 19 69008 <NA>  2023-07-18  55.9  67.9  1.32  0.66  0.63  547   8.25  6.6  579   
#> 20 78315 <NA>  2023-07-21  66.4  77    1.53  0.71  0.43 1522   8.32  8.7    3.46
#> # ā„¹ 2 more variables: PC <dbl>, PP <dbl>

Break table into subtables, one per unique ID, and fill in NAs will most recent non-NA value:

arranged_streamlined_table |> 
  # group table by unique ID
  group_by(PID) |>
  # fill "up", i.e., change NA to immediately preceding non-NA value
  fill(everything(), .direction = "up") |> 
  print() -> filled_grouped_table
#> # A tibble: 20 Ɨ 14
#> # Groups:   PID [15]
#>    PID   SN    FED          POC  PBOC    VC   VCW  VCUG    SC     H    IT     TA
#>    <chr> <chr> <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 10058 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21  31.8  81.8  1     0.76  0.59  723   8.29  9      6.54
#>  2 12968 <NA>  2023-07-19  66.7  77.5  1.31  0.67  0.67  402   8.3   2.5   22.9 
#>  3 1467  Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   1.7  26.5  0.68  0.3   0.29  832.  8.37  3.9   13.8 
#>  4 1467  Goldā€¦ 2021-08-29   2.3  25.4  0.68  0.3   0.29  832.  8.37  3.9   13.8 
#>  5 15126 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-18   9.7  54.5  1.14  0.96  0.86  663   7.72  6.33  37.2 
#>  6 17347 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   0.1   2.1  0.24  0.14  0.14  670   8.22  7.8   43.5 
#>  7 20319 Goldā€¦ 2023-08-22   2.4  14.3  0.45  0.27  0.27  775.  8.28  3.5   25.9 
#>  8 20319 Goldā€¦ 2021-08-28   0     4.1  0.45  0.27  0.27  775.  8.28  3.5   25.9 
#>  9 22299 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   3.7  25.4  0.48  0.36  0.34  665.  8.24  6.9   28.6 
#> 10 22299 Goldā€¦ 2022-09-02   2.1  32.6  0.48  0.36  0.34  665.  8.24  6.9   28.6 
#> 11 28952 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20  12.6  63.9  0.75  0.32  0.3   805.  8.11  0.4   15.1 
#> 12 28952 Goldā€¦ 2021-08-28  10.6  41.4  0.75  0.32  0.3   805.  8.11  0.4   15.1 
#> 13 32532 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   3.6  32.9  0.68  0.45  0.43  861   8.16  7.46  18.5 
#> 14 34500 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   2.5  23    0.91  0.68  0.58  829   7.99 11.8   19.8 
#> 15 34930 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   1.5  25    1.19  0.69  0.68  755   7.94  5.86   9.65
#> 16 3831  Goldā€¦ 2023-07-19   0    12.8  0.96  0.44  0.43  670.  8.05  2.4    5.75
#> 17 3831  Goldā€¦ 2021-08-27   1.3  19    0.96  0.44  0.43  670.  8.05  2.4    5.75
#> 18 38511 18 pā€¦ 2023-07-19  39.8  75.9  1.34  0.81  0.79  299.  7.6   5.8   22.6 
#> 19 69008 <NA>  2023-07-18  55.9  67.9  1.32  0.66  0.63  547   8.25  6.6  579   
#> 20 78315 <NA>  2023-07-21  66.4  77    1.53  0.71  0.43 1522   8.32  8.7    3.46
#> # ā„¹ 2 more variables: PC <dbl>, PP <dbl>

Extract most recent updated row for each unique ID:

filled_grouped_table |> 
  # extract the first row of each subtable (one per unique ID)
  slice(1) |> 
  # undo grouping by unique ID
  ungroup() |> 
  print() -> final_table
#> # A tibble: 15 Ɨ 14
#>    PID   SN    FED          POC  PBOC    VC   VCW  VCUG    SC     H    IT     TA
#>    <chr> <chr> <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 10058 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21  31.8  81.8  1     0.76  0.59  723   8.29  9      6.54
#>  2 12968 <NA>  2023-07-19  66.7  77.5  1.31  0.67  0.67  402   8.3   2.5   22.9 
#>  3 1467  Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   1.7  26.5  0.68  0.3   0.29  832.  8.37  3.9   13.8 
#>  4 15126 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-18   9.7  54.5  1.14  0.96  0.86  663   7.72  6.33  37.2 
#>  5 17347 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   0.1   2.1  0.24  0.14  0.14  670   8.22  7.8   43.5 
#>  6 20319 Goldā€¦ 2023-08-22   2.4  14.3  0.45  0.27  0.27  775.  8.28  3.5   25.9 
#>  7 22299 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   3.7  25.4  0.48  0.36  0.34  665.  8.24  6.9   28.6 
#>  8 28952 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20  12.6  63.9  0.75  0.32  0.3   805.  8.11  0.4   15.1 
#>  9 32532 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-21   3.6  32.9  0.68  0.45  0.43  861   8.16  7.46  18.5 
#> 10 34500 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   2.5  23    0.91  0.68  0.58  829   7.99 11.8   19.8 
#> 11 34930 Goldā€¦ 2023-07-20   1.5  25    1.19  0.69  0.68  755   7.94  5.86   9.65
#> 12 3831  Goldā€¦ 2023-07-19   0    12.8  0.96  0.44  0.43  670.  8.05  2.4    5.75
#> 13 38511 18 pā€¦ 2023-07-19  39.8  75.9  1.34  0.81  0.79  299.  7.6   5.8   22.6 
#> 14 69008 <NA>  2023-07-18  55.9  67.9  1.32  0.66  0.63  547   8.25  6.6  579   
#> 15 78315 <NA>  2023-07-21  66.4  77    1.53  0.71  0.43 1522   8.32  8.7    3.46
#> # ā„¹ 2 more variables: PC <dbl>, PP <dbl>

Created on 2024-02-06 with reprex v2.0.2

1 Like

And here's the minimal code needed to reach the final table, @clarktar:

hidden code for original table

original_table <- 
structure(list(EvaluationID = c("CY-TR-10058_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-20319_2023-07-22", 
"CY-TR-78315_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-28952_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-15126_2023-07-18", 
"CY-TR-32532_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-38511_2023-07-19", "CY-TR-22299_2023-07-21", 
"CY-TR-1467_2023-07-21", "CY-TR-34500_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-12968_2023-07-19", 
"CY-TR-69008_2023-07-18", "CY-TR-17347_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-3831_2023-07-19", 
"CY-TR-34930_2023-07-20", "CY-TR-22299_2022-09-02", "CY-TR-3831_2021-08-27", 
"CY-TR-28952_2021-08-28", "CY-TR-20319_2021-08-28", "CY-TR-1467_2021-08-29"
), PointID = c("CY-TR-10058", "CY-TR-20319", "CY-TR-78315", "CY-TR-28952", 
"CY-TR-15126", "CY-TR-32532", "CY-TR-38511", "CY-TR-22299", "CY-TR-1467", 
"CY-TR-34500", "CY-TR-12968", "CY-TR-69008", "CY-TR-17347", "CY-TR-3831", 
"CY-TR-34930", "CY-TR-22299", "CY-TR-3831", "CY-TR-28952", "CY-TR-20319", 
"CY-TR-1467"), StreamName = c("Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", NA, 
"Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "18 pup", "Gold Creek", 
"Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", NA, NA, "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", 
"Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", "Gold Creek", 
"Gold Creek"), FieldEvalDate = c("7/21/2023", "8/22/2023", "7/21/2023", 
"7/20/2023", "7/18/2023", "7/21/2023", "7/19/2023", "7/21/2023", 
"7/21/2023", "7/20/2023", "7/19/2023", "7/18/2023", "7/20/2023", 
"7/19/2023", "7/20/2023", "9/2/2022", "8/27/2021", "8/28/2021", 
"8/28/2021", "8/29/2021"), PointSelectionType = c("Targeted", 
"Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", 
"Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", 
"Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", "Targeted", 
"Targeted"), PctOverheadCover = c(31.8, 2.4, 66.4, 12.6, 9.7, 
3.6, 39.8, 3.7, 1.7, 2.5, 66.7, 55.9, 0.1, 0, 1.5, 2.1, 1.3, 
10.6, 0, 2.3), PctBankOverheadCover = c(81.8, 14.3, 77, 63.9, 
54.5, 32.9, 75.9, 25.4, 26.5, 23, 77.5, 67.9, 2.1, 12.8, 25, 
32.6, 19, 41.4, 4.1, 25.4), VegComplexity = c(1, NA, 1.53, NA, 
1.14, 0.68, 1.34, NA, NA, 0.91, 1.31, 1.32, 0.24, NA, 1.19, 0.48, 
0.96, 0.75, 0.45, 0.68), VegComplexityWoody = c(0.76, NA, 0.71, 
NA, 0.96, 0.45, 0.81, NA, NA, 0.68, 0.67, 0.66, 0.14, NA, 0.69, 
0.36, 0.44, 0.32, 0.27, 0.3), VegComplexityUnderstoryGround = c(0.59, 
NA, 0.43, NA, 0.86, 0.43, 0.79, NA, NA, 0.58, 0.67, 0.63, 0.14, 
NA, 0.68, 0.34, 0.43, 0.3, 0.27, 0.29), SpecificConductance = c(723, 
NA, 1522, NA, 663, 861, 299.1, NA, NA, 829, 402, 547, 670, NA, 
755, 664.6, 670.1, 805.2, 774.9, 832.4), pH = c(8.29, NA, 8.32, 
NA, 7.72, 8.16, 7.6, NA, NA, 7.99, 8.3, 8.25, 8.22, NA, 7.94, 
8.24, 8.05, 8.11, 8.28, 8.37), InstantTemp = c(9, NA, 8.7, NA, 
6.33, 7.46, 5.8, NA, NA, 11.8, 2.5, 6.6, 7.8, NA, 5.86, 6.9, 
2.4, 0.4, 3.5, 3.9), TurbidityAvg = c(6.54, NA, 3.46, NA, 37.2, 
18.53, 22.6, NA, NA, 19.82, 22.9, 579, 43.47, NA, 9.65, 28.64, 
5.75, 15.06, 25.94, 13.77), PoolCount = c(3, NA, 15, NA, 2, 11, 
12, NA, NA, 8, 33, 9, 1, NA, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0), PctPools = c(5.57, 
NA, 11.6, NA, 5.87, 11.62, 26.67, NA, NA, 18.24, 26.25, 9.37, 
1.73, NA, 5.21, 3.42, 3, 2.67, 2.68, 0)), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -20L))

Created on 2024-02-06 with reprex v2.0.2

final_table <- 
  original_table |> 
  # change datatype of data column from chr to Date
  mutate(FieldEvalDate = parse_date(FieldEvalDate, format = '%m/%d/%Y')) |> 
  # group table by unique ID
  group_by(PointID) |>
  # arrange rows in reverse-chrnological order
  arrange(desc(FieldEvalDate)) |> 
  # fill "up", i.e., change NA to immediately preceding non-NA value
  fill(everything(), .direction = "up") |> 
  # extract the first row of each subtable (one per unique ID)
  slice(1) |> 
  # undo grouping by unique ID

Created on 2024-02-06 with reprex v2.0.2

Ok, I am trying to step through the solution piece by piece so I can observe and hopefully understand how each step is being handled and executed. I hit an error when I am trying to change the data structure for the FieldEvalDate column using the mutate and parse_date code you provided. When I look at the parsing errors, I do not see an issue (the "expected" value matches the "actual" value. What am I missing here?

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
goldtest1 <- data.frame(
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                             EvaluationID = c("CY-TR-10058_2023-07-21",
                                                  PointID = c("CY-TR-10058",
                                               StreamName = c("Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek",NA,
                                                              "Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek","Gold Creek",
                                                              "18 pup",
                                                              "Gold Creek","Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek",NA,NA,
                                                              "Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek","Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek","Gold Creek",
                                                              "Gold Creek"),
                                            FieldEvalDate = c("7/21/2023",
                                       PointSelectionType = c("Targeted",
                                         PctOverheadCover = c(31.8,2.4,66.4,
                                     PctBankOverheadCover = c(81.8,14.3,77,
                                            VegComplexity = c(1,NA,1.53,NA,
                                       VegComplexityWoody = c(0.76,NA,0.71,
                            VegComplexityUnderstoryGround = c(0.59,NA,0.43,
                                      SpecificConductance = c(723,NA,1522,
                                                       pH = c(8.29,NA,8.32,
                                              InstantTemp = c(9,NA,8.7,NA,
                                             TurbidityAvg = c(6.54,NA,3.46,
                                                PoolCount = c(3,NA,15,NA,
                                                 PctPools = c(5.57,NA,11.6,
goldtest1 |> 
  mutate(FieldEvalDate = parse_date(FieldEvalDate, format = '%m/%d/%y'))
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
#> ā„¹ In argument: `FieldEvalDate = parse_date(FieldEvalDate, format =
#>   "%m/%d/%y")`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! 20 parsing failures.
#> row col           expected    actual
#>   1  -- date like %m/%d/%y 7/21/2023
#>   2  -- date like %m/%d/%y 8/22/2023
#>   3  -- date like %m/%d/%y 7/21/2023
#>   4  -- date like %m/%d/%y 7/20/2023
#>   5  -- date like %m/%d/%y 7/18/2023
#> ... ... .................. .........
#> See problems(...) for more details.
#>              EvaluationID     PointID StreamName FieldEvalDate
#> 1  CY-TR-10058_2023-07-21 CY-TR-10058 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 2  CY-TR-20319_2023-07-22 CY-TR-20319 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 3  CY-TR-78315_2023-07-21 CY-TR-78315       <NA>          <NA>
#> 4  CY-TR-28952_2023-07-20 CY-TR-28952 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 5  CY-TR-15126_2023-07-18 CY-TR-15126 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 6  CY-TR-32532_2023-07-21 CY-TR-32532 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 7  CY-TR-38511_2023-07-19 CY-TR-38511     18 pup          <NA>
#> 8  CY-TR-22299_2023-07-21 CY-TR-22299 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 9   CY-TR-1467_2023-07-21  CY-TR-1467 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 10 CY-TR-34500_2023-07-20 CY-TR-34500 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 11 CY-TR-12968_2023-07-19 CY-TR-12968       <NA>          <NA>
#> 12 CY-TR-69008_2023-07-18 CY-TR-69008       <NA>          <NA>
#> 13 CY-TR-17347_2023-07-20 CY-TR-17347 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 14  CY-TR-3831_2023-07-19  CY-TR-3831 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 15 CY-TR-34930_2023-07-20 CY-TR-34930 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 16 CY-TR-22299_2022-09-02 CY-TR-22299 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 17  CY-TR-3831_2021-08-27  CY-TR-3831 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 18 CY-TR-28952_2021-08-28 CY-TR-28952 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 19 CY-TR-20319_2021-08-28 CY-TR-20319 Gold Creek          <NA>
#> 20  CY-TR-1467_2021-08-29  CY-TR-1467 Gold Creek          <NA>
#>    PointSelectionType PctOverheadCover PctBankOverheadCover VegComplexity
#> 1            Targeted             31.8                 81.8          1.00
#> 2            Targeted              2.4                 14.3            NA
#> 3            Targeted             66.4                 77.0          1.53
#> 4            Targeted             12.6                 63.9            NA
#> 5            Targeted              9.7                 54.5          1.14
#> 6            Targeted              3.6                 32.9          0.68
#> 7            Targeted             39.8                 75.9          1.34
#> 8            Targeted              3.7                 25.4            NA
#> 9            Targeted              1.7                 26.5            NA
#> 10           Targeted              2.5                 23.0          0.91
#> 11           Targeted             66.7                 77.5          1.31
#> 12           Targeted             55.9                 67.9          1.32
#> 13           Targeted              0.1                  2.1          0.24
#> 14           Targeted              0.0                 12.8            NA
#> 15           Targeted              1.5                 25.0          1.19
#> 16           Targeted              2.1                 32.6          0.48
#> 17           Targeted              1.3                 19.0          0.96
#> 18           Targeted             10.6                 41.4          0.75
#> 19           Targeted              0.0                  4.1          0.45
#> 20           Targeted              2.3                 25.4          0.68
#>    VegComplexityWoody VegComplexityUnderstoryGround SpecificConductance   pH
#> 1                0.76                          0.59               723.0 8.29
#> 2                  NA                            NA                  NA   NA
#> 3                0.71                          0.43              1522.0 8.32
#> 4                  NA                            NA                  NA   NA
#> 5                0.96                          0.86               663.0 7.72
#> 6                0.45                          0.43               861.0 8.16
#> 7                0.81                          0.79               299.1 7.60
#> 8                  NA                            NA                  NA   NA
#> 9                  NA                            NA                  NA   NA
#> 10               0.68                          0.58               829.0 7.99
#> 11               0.67                          0.67               402.0 8.30
#> 12               0.66                          0.63               547.0 8.25
#> 13               0.14                          0.14               670.0 8.22
#> 14                 NA                            NA                  NA   NA
#> 15               0.69                          0.68               755.0 7.94
#> 16               0.36                          0.34               664.6 8.24
#> 17               0.44                          0.43               670.1 8.05
#> 18               0.32                          0.30               805.2 8.11
#> 19               0.27                          0.27               774.9 8.28
#> 20               0.30                          0.29               832.4 8.37
#>    InstantTemp TurbidityAvg PoolCount PctPools
#> 1         9.00         6.54         3     5.57
#> 2           NA           NA        NA       NA
#> 3         8.70         3.46        15    11.60
#> 4           NA           NA        NA       NA
#> 5         6.33        37.20         2     5.87
#> 6         7.46        18.53        11    11.62
#> 7         5.80        22.60        12    26.67
#> 8           NA           NA        NA       NA
#> 9           NA           NA        NA       NA
#> 10       11.80        19.82         8    18.24
#> 11        2.50        22.90        33    26.25
#> 12        6.60       579.00         9     9.37
#> 13        7.80        43.47         1     1.73
#> 14          NA           NA        NA       NA
#> 15        5.86         9.65         2     5.21
#> 16        6.90        28.64         1     3.42
#> 17        2.40         5.75         1     3.00
#> 18        0.40        15.06         2     2.67
#> 19        3.50        25.94         1     2.68
#> 20        3.90        13.77         0     0.00

Created on 2024-02-07 with reprex v2.1.0

Try changing %y to %Y and if you still have error messages, maybe post those as well?

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@dromano, thank for the awesome engagement and great solution!! I learned so much thanks to your thorough documentation!

  1. A great reminder to always check the structure of the data.frame and make sure variables are as you want or expect. Thank you for pointing out that FieldEvalDate was being recognized as a string and not a date!!
  2. The approach you used to first arrange the table in a way that allows a person to use fill was a new concept for me! I like that approach.
  3. I have used grouping at other times, but your solution provided (and the documentation) really provided further clarity. Now I can think about the grouping as creating "subtables" and that really allowed me to understand how that slice() step worked!

Thank you again for helping me on my "tidy" journey!

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A couple of nice features of using tibble() instead of data.frame() are 1) that the data types are clearly indicated in the output, whereas they're absent in the output of a date frame, and 2) that there's no need to use a stringAsFactors = FALSE argument because that's the default behavior for tibble().

Thanks. I guess my next journey will be looking into tibbles. Usually when I start a R.project and have a csv in that directory I load it and its just a data.frame.

Actually, now that I however over that data object in the IDE a pop-up tell me "tbl_df", so I think they are tibbles and it is just a data.frame when I use reprex() to make my copy/paste example...

Yes, seeing the data types in the output is great!! I usually print() the data table once I have it loaded as I have likely already poked around in excel, but I see that is likely a bad habit and I should get used to print() each dataset once I load.


It could be that you're using read.csv() (base R) to load the data, which produces data frames, whereas read_csv() (tidyverse) produces tibbles. Good luck on the journey!

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