Memory retaining in ShinyApp

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am just 12 days old to Shinyapp.I'm working on a shiny app where the users can input into a rHandsontable in one column and get the desired values in other column . This works fine. When I rerun the program it shows the default values and the user inputted values is not retained. But I wish the input-data to be saved with save changes action button, so that when I reload the app, the user input is remembered and shown again. I have been looking at this example, but I am not able to get it implemented correctly. Please do help me with this question and please do post a simple code.

Hi @Aviansh, can you post a reproducible example of your code? So, we can see why it's not working.

Btw, have you seen the examples in the rhandsontable package itself?

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Respected Mr.Ginberg,

I have written the basic code,but it doesn't include the code for saving the values, since I didn't know how to proceed with the code for saving the values within table. However I will post my code. Please do have a look into it and help me with the query.

thanking you,

your's sincerely,
Avinash Shanmugam


sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
#Creation of Tabs
body <- dashboardBody( 
  tabBox( width=12,
                     actionButton("save","Save changes")
            tabPanel("Demand/Capacity Plot",
                     plotOutput("dc","Demand Capacity Plot",width="50%", height="700px")
  ui <- dashboardPage(header,sidebar=sidebar,body=body)
  table_l1<- data.frame(Months=1:14,Bt_existing=numeric(14),Output_hr=numeric(14),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  server <- function(input, output, session){
  prev_tabl_l1 <-  reactive({table_l1})
  aftch_tabl_l1<- reactive({
    if (is.null(input$tabl_l1)){
    } else if(!identical(prev_tabl_l1(),input$tabl_l1)){
output$tabl_l1<- renderRHandsontable({
    rhandsontable (aftch_tabl_l1(),rowHeaders =c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Year 1","year 2"),width= 500, height=200,selectCallback = TRUE)%>%
      hot_table(rowHeaderWidth = 200)%>%
      hot_col(1,readOnly = TRUE)

@Aviansh you did not define the behaviour for the save button. If you just want to save the data to disk, you can do it like this



sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()

#Creation of Tabs
body <- dashboardBody(
  tabBox( width=12,
                   actionButton("save","Save changes")
          tabPanel("Demand/Capacity Plot",
                   plotOutput("dc","Demand Capacity Plot",width="50%", height="700px")

ui <- dashboardPage(header,sidebar=sidebar,body=body)

table_l1<- data.frame(Months=1:14,Bt_existing=numeric(14),Output_hr=numeric(14),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

server <- function(input, output, session){
  prev_tabl_l1 <- reactive({table_l1})
  aftch_tabl_l1<- reactive({
    if (is.null(input$hot)){
    } else if(!identical(prev_tabl_l1(),input$hot)){
  output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({
    rhandsontable (aftch_tabl_l1(),rowHeaders =c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Year 1","year 2"),width= 500, height=200,selectCallback = TRUE) %>%
      hot_table(rowHeaderWidth = 200) %>%
      hot_col(1,readOnly = TRUE)
    hot <- isolate(input$hot)
      fname = tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
      write.csv(hot_to_r(hot), fname)
      print(paste("Saved to", fname))

shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)

Respected Ginberg,

Thank you very much for the response and I am very sorry for my late reply. I would like you to ask one more thing. If I want to store it in a database/server(remote storage) and retrieve the previously edited inputs every-time when a user uses my App, will the syntax be similar to the data Storage or is it entirely different. I do have a question about the previous code.
hot<- isolate(input$hot) --------- is this a kind of a inbuilt syntax or it is that you are isolating a table and defining it to the variable hot?
Sorry to trouble you with so many Questions.

Thanking you,

Your's sincerely,
Avinash Shanmugam

@Aviansh it's just assigning the contents of the table to the variable. You can remove the isolate function call,I realized. It can be used to prevent a trigger of a reactive expression, but since this is an observeEvent it's not needed. See here for a better explanation with example

Yes, you can replace the file storage for a database storage, the same approach can be used

Respected Ginberg,

Thank You so much for your kind response. This means if I could write values out of shiny, then I can also read values into shiny. What I mean is when the user inputs the data and closes the app and again opens it , he/she might be able to look at the previous data entered. Is that correct? But thank you so much. Since I am new to this platform I could not capture the concept well.
Thanking you,

Your's sincerely,

@Aviansh, that's right. Just make sure you, that when you are starting the app, the initial data (table_l1 in your example) is loaded from the storage instead of hardcoded

Respected Mr. Ginberg,

Thank you very much. I think read.csv function should do the job. Once I am able to do that I will surely post you with my Progress. It was such a kind gesture from you.
Thanking you,
Your's sincerely,
Avinash Shanmugam

Respected Ginberg,

Just a question. I have saved the inputted values into a seperate file as u suggested and i understand to load it back read.csv is needed. Will read.csv will directly paste the values into shiny in rhandsontable form or it will just read the values, Which means that I should write a code for pasting the values into the respective columns? Sorry to post you with more questions

@Aviansh the rhandsontable data argument can be a data.frame, data.table or matrix. The read.csv function outputs a data.frame so that should work fine together.
Do you know that you can see function documentation in R with ? syntax?
Good luck.

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