Thanks for the help, I tried your suggestion and it installed a bunch of dependencies but alas it still gives the same error. Hopefully I got the triple backtick thing right:
``` WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download
``` and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding:
``` Installing package into âC:/Documents/R/win-library/4.0â (as âlibâ is unspecified)
``` also installing the dependencies âsysâ, âaskpassâ, âstringiâ, âgenericsâ, âtidyselectâ, âhmsâ, âcliprâ, âBHâ, âcpp11â, âgridExtraâ, âxml2â, âplyrâ, âbibtexâ, âlubridateâ, âopensslâ, âhighrâ, âmarkdownâ, âstringrâ, âyamlâ, âxfunâ, âshapeâ, âdplyrâ, âdownloaderâ, âhtmltoolsâ, âhtmlwidgetsâ, âinfluenceRâ, âpurrrâ, âreadrâ, âtidyrâ, âviridisâ, âvisNetworkâ, âmvtnormâ, âtruncnormâ, âRefManageRâ, âhttrâ, âbase64encâ, âjsonliteâ, âmimeâ, âtinytexâ, âcodaâ, ânumDerivâ, âknitrâ, âdiagramâ, âDiagrammeRâ, âmsmâ, âRsolnpâ, âknitcitationsâ, ârmarkdownâ, âctmcdâ, âbookdownâ, ârticlesâ
``` > z=new("markovchain",transitionMatrix=y);z
``` Error in getClass(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame())) :
``` âmarkovchainâ is not a defined class