Marine Biology Fish communities, need help with understanding the data and how to use the code.

Hi i want to know if theres someone who could help me with R Studio, i have a Marine Biology coursework about a database in Fish Communities and Benthos (Marine floor), where i dont really understand wich of the variables are response variables or not, i had a simple example in class that is not that usefull as it super basic about simple data, but these database is much bigger and has a lot of variables.

My original example is a database in Humans Heights divided in women and men.
Where we had to make a series of calculations and tests that id managed to work and understand. But the only response variable was the difference in height between people and the difference between women and men.

But now i have, Benthos that has like 10 categories inside, then i have the % of coverage of each categories, in 1000 of photos. And i dont understand a lot of stuff.

If anyone could helpme or try to, i could upload more info about this.

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