margin notes not appearing where desired

Is it possible to have a margin note appear in the margin at the start of a paragraph, taking priority over margin references cited in the same paragraph?

In the following example, I'd like the note to appear in the position of the reference, followed by the reference.

To reproduce, start a new Quarto book project and add two elements:

(1) add the following text to index.qmd file below the pre-existing code block.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit porta massa, eget vehicula est imperdiet ut. Mauris elementum nisi consequat fermentum luctus. Mauris vel arcu vitae nibh molestie porttitor. Integer vel pellentesque nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ipsum turpis, facilisis sed neque ut, congue bibendum erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed hendrerit turpis nec porttitor bibendum. Aenean vel porttitor neque.

Nam sit amet eros arcu. Mauris vitae sem nisi. Duis interdum mauris vitae varius congue. Curabitur at sem dignissim, porta lacus quis, rutrum urna. Donec tellus lacus, aliquam vitae elit at, pellentesque commodo velit. Sed malesuada velit eget orci rutrum, non vestibulum arcu fermentum. Sed id elit pretium, ultrices nunc eget, ornare lorem. Phasellus tincidunt fermentum justo tempus tincidunt. Suspendisse consequat vehicula lacinia. Etiam pharetra nisl in dui aliquam, vitae porttitor neque pellentesque. Donec et scelerisque ante.[@knuth84]

I want to put a note level with the start of the paragraph that begins with "Nam sit amet eros arcu".

(2) YAML

Add citation-location: margin to the YAML in _quarto.yml.

ps. In the past, I believe placing .column-margin ABOVE the paragraph led to the desired behavior.

R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sonoma 14.1
#[1] ‘1.4.555’

Hi ! Sorry for the delay... Do not hesitate to open Discussion, Feature Request and issue directly on Quarto cli repo to have quicker feedback. GitHub - quarto-dev/quarto-cli: Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.

Could you try latest release 1.5 and see if this is still a problem ? Even Prerelease 1.6 ?

If so, you can open an issue if none already in our repo. This is a styling thing I believe, and we would need to see how to change it.

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Thanks @cderv upgrading to 1.5.56 worked.

ps. It seems like ::::{.column-margin} now needs to come after the paragraph if you want the note to appear flush with the top of the paragraph. In the past I put it after the paragraph for the same result. Not an issue, just noting for anyone else who might be looking into this.

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