Mapview maps not working properly when deployed

I'm working with R shiny to develop an interactive map using mapview(). Everything looks fine when I run the app locally, but when I deploy via and view the app in the browser, some of the map functionality is not working. Specifically, one of the three sf objects is not being displayed at all, another sf object is only displaying about a third of the multiline strings (it is a ~13 MB gpkg), and only one of the 4 basemaps is made available. I am running on a reasonably large machine (4GB) and I am not seeing any out of memory errors in the logs. Does anybody have an idea what could be going on?
Oh, and here is a link to the live app. Warning that it takes a few seconds to load as it is pulling in data via api (but the map is not dependent on that pull; the api pull is working fine):