mapped_discrete` objects can only be created from numeric vectors

I have the following data in R:

df <- structure(list(t0 = c(3.82, -4.88, NA, -3.83, -3.99, NA, NA, 
NA, 6.35, 2.47, 0.28, 0.3, NA, 8.31, NA, NA, NA, 2.76, NA, 1.38
), t1 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, -1.23, 2.19, 4.13, 3.49, -0.42, 
NA, 3.78, 2.7, 1.17, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), t2 = c(-1.85, NA, 1.46, 
0.17, NA, NA, -2.81, 1.75, NA, 2.32, -3.08, -1.39, NA, 7.53, 
1.77, NA, 0.1, NA, NA, -2.61), t3 = c(-2.05, 3.73, -2.04, -0.22, 
-4.29, NA, NA, -0.11, 0.43, NA, -0.78, 3.24, NA, NA, -1.13, 1.09, 
NA, NA, 2.7, NA), t4 = c(1.01, -2.77, NA, -3.05, -2.33, 3.78, 
NA, NA, NA, NA, -2.04, -4.01, -2.32, 4, -0.28, NA, NA, 9.04, 
NA, -4.12), t5 = c(1.56, NA, 4.89, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.88, 
3.15, NA, NA, 2.59, NA, 2.04, NA, NA, NA, -0.26, NA), t6 = c(0.34, 
-0.99, NA, 1.93, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.35, NA, -6.46, NA, NA, NA, 
2.57, NA, NA, 4.89, NA, -5.63), t7 = c(0.52, NA, 0.5, 1.85, -6.23, 
NA, NA, 1.59, 7.82, 0.82, NA, NA, -1.77, NA, NA, NA, 2.01, NA, 
0.7, -1.55), t8 = c(NA, NA, 4.9, -3.93, -8.13, 3.14, 0.03, 1.67, 
3.55, NA, -1.55, 2.57, -0.87, NA, 0.71, -0.1, NA, NA, 2.04, NA
), t9 = c(-1.09, NA, -0.52, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2.05, -5.21, 
-0.89, -0.03, NA, 0.66, 3.72, -1.96, NA, NA, NA)), row.names = c(NA, 
20L), class = "data.frame")

Using the following tutorial (Missing value visualization with tidyverse in R | Jens Laufer), I am trying to make a visualization that shows the percentage of missing data:


row.plot <- df %>%
  mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  gather(-id, key = "key", value = "val") %>%
  mutate(isna = %>%
  ggplot(aes(key, id, fill = isna)) +
    geom_raster(alpha=0.8) +
    scale_fill_manual(name = "",
        values = c('steelblue', 'tomato3'),
        labels = c("Present", "Missing")) +
    scale_x_discrete(limits = levels) +
    labs(x = "Variable",
           y = "Row Number", title = "Missing values in rows") +

When I try to see the results, this is the error that I get:


Error in `new_mapped_discrete()`:
! `mapped_discrete` objects can only be created from numeric vectors
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
Warning messages:
1: In structure(in_domain, pos = match(in_domain, breaks)) :
  Calling 'structure(NULL, *)' is deprecated, as NULL cannot have attributes.
  Consider 'structure(list(), *)' instead.
2: In structure(in_domain, pos = match(in_domain, breaks)) :
  Calling 'structure(NULL, *)' is deprecated, as NULL cannot have attributes.
  Consider 'structure(list(), *)' instead.
3: Removed 200 rows containing missing values (geom_raster). 

My Question: Can someone please show me what I am doing wrong and how can I fix this error?


what are you trying to alter by way of the scale_x_discrete() ?
(side question - what do you intend to pass as the limits param , I think the way you wrote it would pass the levels() function, but I can't think why you want that )

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