map for importing many stata files - advice

I've tested this code and It works


statas<-list.files(path = "C:/Users/JB/Downloads",pattern ="^ff-.*\\.dta$",full.names = TRUE)
archives<-map_dfr(statas,read_dta,.id = "source")

The issue is that's useful if I want to loop over each one of the stata files (over 100) in order to retrieve a tabulate as:

archives %>%
group_by(source, var1, var2) %>%
summarise(numbers=n()) %>%

This question is because every stata Filesize is near 200 Mb...Imagine your RAM joining 200 MB files.
Using Stata I just ran a loop to read every dta, and I was never storing the previous one.

What would you do?
I hope I made myself clear.

As always, thanks for your time, interest, and patience

Then you should ask yourself, if -- potentially -- you can work on merged dataset itself.

Why do not apply the same approach here? Work on the files subsequently, processing them one after one? Or perhaps you can get a subset of data (particular columns) from the source files lowering the demand of resources? Or compute required values in loop for i in statas and rbind them in another dataframe? Or extract the stata files, wrote them to any text format you like and merge them outside using cat or awk?

There is a few options I would consider.


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Using the same focus of declaring a for i=1 to ... It doesn't seem a purrr-base approach.
I don't know how just importing only the columns I need with purrr.
Maybe I can merge some selected variables. Maybe my RAM will resist...maybe.

This is what I wrote:

for (i in 1:100) {
            tabx<-data %>% 
            group_by(var1,var2) %>% 
            if (i==1) {
            } else { 
             output=bind_rows(output, tabx)


I think It works ok. I don't know if It is inefficient.
The other method was using assign and then declaring "mget" of every tabulate.
Any other suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks, community

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