Making the Circle Intesection Happen


I am trying to make the intersection between different circles happen on a leaflet map taking into consideration the different variables. For instance, if I when I click Andrew_XXXXX and Monday, I just want to see the circle of Andrew on a Monday. If I want Andy_YYYY on a Tuesday, I want to only see Andy on a Tuesday and if I want both Andrew and Andy on a Monday, I want only Andrew and Andy on a Monday. I used leaflet before and now this is my first attempt at making leaflet connect with Shiny.

However, I still can't make the intersection to happen.

I posted a question earlier to explain what I am trying to do.

Would you please help if you can ? Thank you..

This is my code:

## Data

Latitude = c(33.79053,34.31533,21.44848,33.89115)
Longitude = c(-84.0348,-83.8166,-158.003, -117.295)
Worker = c('A','A','B','B')
Max.Distance.from.C.or.HB = c(35,55,75,100)
Manager = c('Andrew_XXXXX','Andrew_XXXXX','Andy_YYYY', 'Andy_YYYY')
Days = c('Tuesday','Monday','Monday','Tuesday')

coverage_data <- data.frame(Latitude,Longitude,Worker, Max.Distance.from.C.or.HB, Manager,

# Convert to miles

coverage_data <- coverage_data %>%
  mutate(Radius = coverage_data$Max.Distance.from.C.or.HB * 1609.34)

ui <- bootstrapPage(
  tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
  leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
  absolutePanel(top = 10, right = 10,
                radioButtons(inputId = "Days", label = "Days:",
                             choices = c("Monday" = "Monday",
                                         "Tuesday" = "Tuesday"
                radioButtons(inputId = "Manager", label = "Manager:",
                             choices = c("Andrew_XXXXX" = "Andrew_XXXXX",
                                         "Andy_YYYY" = "Andy_YYYY"

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) { 

  DaysInput <- reactive({
           "Monday" = Monday,
           "Tuesday" = Tuesday)
  ManagerInput <- reactive({
           "Andrew_XXXXX" = Andrew_XXXXX,
           "Andy_YYYY" = Andy_YYYY)
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet(coverage_data) %>%
      setView(lng = -95.7129, lat = 34.0902, zoom = 4.499) %>%
      addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap.France) %>%
      addCircles(lng = coverage_data$Longitude,
                 lat = coverage_data$Latitude,
                 #color = ~pal(coverage_data$Worker),
                 weight = 1,
                 radius = coverage_data$Radius,
                 opacity = 0.5,
                 #label = lapply(coverage_data$label, HTML),
                 fillOpacity = 0.55)


Looks like you need to subset your data according to the input values:

output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    coverage_data %>%
      filter(Manager %in% input$Manager) %>%
      filter(Days %in% input$Days) %>%
      leaflet() %>%
      setView(lng = -95.7129, lat = 34.0902, zoom = 4.499) %>%
      addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap.France) %>%
      addCircles(lng = ~Longitude,
                 lat = ~Latitude,
                 weight = 1,
                 radius = ~Radius,
                 opacity = 0.5,
                 fillOpacity = 0.55)

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