Making geom_point() aesthetic literally be the name of a factor

I have some data displayed on a boxplot with geom_point(). Each corresponds to numbered replicates 1-18. I would like to replace the shape of those points with the actual number of the replicate, i.e. instead of a point I want it to display a number like "3".

boxplot <- ggplot(df)+
                geom_point(aes(x=data1,y=data2))+ #This is the one I want to change

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

You can use geom_text. I don't have your data, but this should work:

boxplot <- ggplot(df)+
                geom_text(aes(label = id))+ # Replace `id` with name of actual column
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Awesome, I had no idea that was an option. Much appreciated.

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