Is there a way we can make one input value disappear when another one is selected when multiple = TRUE? In the example below, the default selected value is "All". I want to set the code such that when any other option is selected, "All" automatically disappears from the selection but not the choices.
Yes, this can be accomplished using updateSelectInput(). In the server code below, the observeEvent() triggers any time an input is changed. If there is more than one input and "All" is one of the inputs, Selected is updated to remove it from the group. Finally, Selected is used to update the input.
Thanks a lot Scotty, this worked well. Another question though, what if I have a long list and I want to go back to "All". Is there a way in which clicking on "All" would deselect the others? I know I can have the "Select all" or "Deselect all" options, but I don't want to use them.
Hi @scottyd22, thank for your help so far. One last question. Now assume we have two input variables (I actually have about 6). I don't want to keep repeating myself for each one (as shown below). Is there a way I can wrap the observeEvent function in a user defined function that only takes in the inputId as an argument?
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("variable1", "Variable1:",
c("All", "Cylinders" = "cyl", "Transmission" = "am", "Gears" = "gear"),
multiple = TRUE,
selected = "All"),
selectInput("variable2", "Variable2:",
c("All", LETTERS),
multiple = TRUE,
selected = "All")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## variable 1
# tracks the last selection made (starts as NULL)
last_selection1 = reactiveValues(d = NULL)
# observe each time a selection is made
observeEvent(input$variable1, {
Selected = input$variable1
# determines which option was just selected
new_selection = setdiff(Selected, last_selection1$d)
if(length(new_selection) > 0) {
# if latest selection is "All", only keep "All"
if(new_selection == 'All') {
Selected = 'All'
# if latest selection is not "All", keep everything except "All"
} else {
Selected = Selected[Selected != 'All']
# update the input
updatePickerInput(session = session,
inputId = 'variable1',
selected = Selected)
# update the last selection made
last_selection1$d <<- Selected
}, ignoreNULL = F)
## variable 2
# tracks the last selection made (starts as NULL)
last_selection2 = reactiveValues(d = NULL)
# observe each time a selection is made
observeEvent(input$variable2, {
Selected = input$variable2
# determines which option was just selected
new_selection = setdiff(Selected, last_selection2$d)
if(length(new_selection) > 0) {
# if latest selection is "All", only keep "All"
if(new_selection == 'All') {
Selected = 'All'
# if latest selection is not "All", keep everything except "All"
} else {
Selected = Selected[Selected != 'All']
# update the input
updatePickerInput(session = session,
inputId = 'variable2',
selected = Selected)
# update the last selection made
last_selection2$d <<- Selected
}, ignoreNULL = F)
shinyApp(ui, server)