lubridate install error

Help, please!! I'm new to R. I'm following the instructions given on the class I'm taking and I can't install Lubridate. That's the error it gives me:

Error in library(lubridate) : there is no package called ‘lubridate’
Error in library(lubridate) : there is no package called ‘lubridate’

You probably need to install the lubridate package by running


You can then run library(lubridate) to load the package.
The package installation can also be done in RStudio with the menu Tools -> Install Packages.
The installation only needs to be done once. The loading with library() needs to be done in every R session where you want to use lubridate.

Thank you for your help!!

I tried install.packages("lubridate") and this is what it says:

Error in install.packages : object 'lubridate' not found
Session restored from your saved work on 2024-Jun-24 12:04:44 UTC

Notice that there are quotes around lubridate

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You're absolutely right! Thank you!

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