Lua filter in Quarto pdf render

Hi guys! I have been working for a while with Quarto to generate some pdf based on md files. Everything ran smoothly until I came across with lua filters. To make the history short, I create a lua filter to replace some inline code with strings in order to use the shortcodes feature you provide; however, I think that the time when this filter is applied does not match when the shortcode are render it.

Here is my lua filter:

-- Filtro Lua para reemplazar `=this.Producto` por `{{< meta Producto >}}`
function Code(el)
    -- Verificamos si el código inline es de la forma `=this.Producto`
    if el.text:match("^=this%.([%w_]+)$") then
      -- Extraemos el nombre del "Producto" (el texto después de "=this.")
      local producto = el.text:match("^=this%.([%w_]+)$")
      local nodos = {

      -- print(pandoc.Str("{{< meta " .. producto .. " >}}"))
      -- Reemplazamos `=this.Producto` por `{{< meta Producto >}}`
      -- return pandoc.Str("{{< meta " .. producto .. " >}}")
      return nodos
    -- Si no coincide, retornamos el contenido tal cual
    return el
  -- Devolvemos el filtro para que se aplique a todos los elementos de tipo "InlineCode"
  return {
    { Code = Code }

The file that I am testing is similar to:

Producto: Producto1
title: Ejemplo
       - at: pre-render
         path: filtro.lua

# Hola, hoy vamos a hablar de `=this.Producto` y {{< meta title >}}

# encambio esto funciona {{< meta Producto >}}

The pdf result says:

Hola, hoy vamos a hablar de {{< meta Producto >}} y Ejemplo

encambio esto funciona Producto1

This means that the lua filter is not applied correctly by the time that I am looking at. What can I do differently? I am seeking another option to convert the text using bash rather that lua, but I would like to know if I am missing something at this point with the lua filter generated.

Finally, thanks for your support.

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