I have written a code that which gets all of the .dat files in the subdirectory that I am storing my data files. But now the next step is to:
Write a chunk of code that loops over each file in the list, reads it in, extracts the 10 Hz U and V wind data, and computes the 30-minute mean U and V wind velocities. Each dataset is given in 10 Hz, therefore, I only have to pull the U (Ux) and V (Uy) wind data out and then calculate the 30-minute mean of the two.
Here is my code thus far:
pth <- "C:/Users/crazy/OneDrive/Documents/Micrometeorology Fall 2022/Data Unzipped"
dat.files <- list.files(path = pth,
pattern= "dat",
full.names = T)
##This code above does show all 5 datasets that I have to work with
##Now I have to loop over each file in the list, read it in, extract the U and V wind data, and compute the 30-minute mean U and V wind velocities
for(i in 1:length(dat.files)) {
fni <- file.path(pth,dat.files[i])
} This code above where I try to loop is working so far, but I'm not sure how to pull out the U and V data from each file nor how to calculate the 30-minute mean of the U and V again from each dataset; there are 5 datasets in total. I'm fairly new to looping and R-coding in general.