I want a loop that takes different combinations of id (identifier for cities) and time (identifier for years) - eg: take two cities for 2 years and 3 years, then take 3 cities for two years and three years. I want to estimate an interaction matrices for which I have a function for these different combinations of number of cities and years. How can I construct the loop?
as a tip for you ; if you want every combination of ID , for which your example has 3 unique ids' and there are therefore 7 possible combinations. you can find that like so :
unique_ids <- unique(main_data$id)
results <- list()
# Loop over increasing number of IDs (cities)
for (i in 5:length(unique_ids)) {
# Subset the IDs for the current iteration
selected_ids <- unique_ids[1:i] # Take the first i IDs
# Filter the main data based on the selected cities
data <- main_data[main_data$id %in% selected_ids, c("id", "time", "y", "x1", "x2", "x3") ]
# Run the recoverNetwork function on the subset data
rn <- recoverNetwork(data, lambda = c(0.10, 0.10, 0.10))
# Extract the result
W_matrix <- rn$unpenalisedgmm$W
results[[i]] <- W_matrix
so this is what i am trying to do. Each iteration has one more index than the previous iteration. However I encounter this error in indexing:
Error in ku_format_slice(key$row, nrow) :
Index is out of bounds for axis with size 10
unique(main_data$id) is 10 where each id has data for 11 years.
Could you possibly know why I am encountering this error in subsetting? i guess there is a logical oversight
unique_ids <- unique(main_data$id)
results <- list()
# Loop over increasing number of IDs (cities)
for (i in 5:length(unique_ids)) {
# Subset the IDs for the current iteration
selected_ids <- unique_ids[1:i] # Take the first i IDs
# Filter the main data based on the selected cities
data <- main_data[main_data$id %in% selected_ids, c("id", "time", "y", "x1", "x2", "x3") ]
# Run the recoverNetwork function on the subset data
rn <- recoverNetwork(data, lambda = c(0.10, 0.10, 0.10))
# Extract the result
W_matrix <- rn$unpenalisedgmm$W
results[[i]] <- W_matrix
Thank you.
But this is what i am trying to do. Each iteration has one more index than the previous iteration. However I encounter this error in indexing:
Error in ku_format_slice(key$row, nrow) :
Index is out of bounds for axis with size 10
unique(main_data$id) is 10 where each id has data for 11 years.
Could you possibly know why I am encountering this error in subsetting? i guess there is a logical oversight
Your approach works on this example data ...
So can you provide an example of data where it fails ?
main_data <- gendata(setting=1,1)
main_data <- main_data[main_data$id <=7] # make it smaller because I get bored waiting for a long time
unique_ids <- unique(main_data$id)
results <- list()
# Loop over increasing number of IDs (cities)
for (i in 5:length(unique_ids)) {
# Subset the IDs for the current iteration
selected_ids <- unique_ids[1:i] # Take the first i IDs
# Filter the main data based on the selected cities
data <- main_data[main_data$id %in% selected_ids, c("id", "time", "y", "x1") ]
# Run the recoverNetwork function on the subset data
rn <- recoverNetwork(data, lambda = c(0.10, 0.10, 0.10))
# Extract the result
W_matrix <- rn$unpenalisedgmm$W
results[[i]] <- W_matrix
print(paste0("Done i=",i))
It doesn't seem to work for this data data <- gendata(setting=15,seed=1)
I get the error below . Do you know why it worked for main_data <- gendata(setting=1,1) and not the one above? Both have only one x variable (x1)
Initial conditions
Elastic Net
Error in glmnet::glmnet(ZX, ZY, lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha, penalty.factor = pen, :
x should be a matrix with 2 or more columns
Error in optimx.check(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
Cannot evaluate function at initial parameters