I have a very long select clause and separate with several by data categories.
run information 5
runinf <- "select asp_run_id as runid,asp_run_ind as runind,asp_eval_qtr as evalqtr,asp_rerun_id as rerunid,asp_rpt_qlf as qlf,"
data information 10
datainf <- "pm_id as pmsid,
hco_id as hcoid,
rfi_ind_id as measid,
st_bsn_str_cd as state,
rfi_msr_set_id as msrsetid,
rfi_msr_set_cd as msrsetcd,
rfi_subset_id as rfi_subset_id,
msr_rsk_adj as radj,
jc_mop_opt_typ_cd as measuse,
expc_rt_typ as expctyp,"
select1 <- paste0(runinf, datainf)
There are new line characters in select1. How to remove those to make a correct select statement and what is a good way to do this? Thanks!