Logo rendering locally, but not on gh pages

I'm using use_pkgdown_github_pages() (default "automatic build and deploy" mode ) to publish to Github Pages. The logo renders correctly locally in all articles, but fails to render when pushed (except in the README). The html for an article in gh-pages is missing the src:

<img src="" class="logo" alt=""><h1>Showcase</h1>

(gh-pages link)

I'm currently unclear as to why it's not flowing through; it's present in the repo in man/figures. Any advice appreciated.

The solution was to delete logo.PNG from man/figures and push, use_logo("logo.png"), i.e. a lower-case .png, and push again. cgoo4.github.io/ggfoundry/ now displays the logo correctly on all pages.

The reason I had a capitalised PNG was because the Adobe app I used to make the logo naturally exports as .PNG.


Glad you figured it out! And thanks for sharing your solution with the community. Could you please mark your reply as the solution to this thread so that future readers know it has been resolved?

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