I’ve made a small reproducible example using a dataframe with group data and 3 features. I have code that makes a single logistic regression model, and code that I’ve used for tuning. In the example I only use the condition penalty = 0.001 and mixture = 0 for simplicity and compare the accuracy, ROC AUC, and class predictions. I understand LOOCV/pathologically small samples sizes is not ideal.
The results summary is below. I believe that the results should be identical and wondering if I am doing something wrong or not fully understanding what’s happening.
• single model = 0.52,
• tuned model = 0.52
loocv auc:
• single model = 0.532,
• tuned model = 0.538
.pred_group2 for .row 1:
• single model = 0.331
• tuned model = 0.324
# ---- Load libraries and prepare data -----------------------------------------
df <- data.frame(
group = c('group1', 'group1', 'group2', 'group2', 'group1', 'group2',
'group2', 'group2', 'group2', 'group1', 'group1', 'group2',
'group2', 'group1', 'group1', 'group1', 'group1', 'group1',
'group1', 'group1', 'group2', 'group2', 'group2', 'group2',
var1 = c(7.3333333, 3.0000000, 1.6666667, 0.6666667, 0.6666667, 1.0000000,
0.0000000, 2.0000000, 1.0000000, 2.6666667, 1.3333333, 1.0000000,
0.6666667, 1.0000000, 1.6666667, 5.6666667, 0.3333333, 3.3333333,
4.3333333, 1.6666667, 0.6666667, 12.6666667, 1.0000000, 3.0000000,
var2 = c(6.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5,
0.5, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 7.5, 0.0, 3.5, 1.0),
var3 = c(4.5833333, 3.7500000, 0.5000000, 1.0000000, 0.5000000, 0.5000000,
1.0000000, 1.6666667, 0.8333333, 1.5000000, 1.5000000, 0.5000000,
0.2500000, 1.3333333, 0.5000000, 3.2500000, 0.0000000, 0.7500000,
2.5000000, 1.0000000, 0.7500000, 3.5000000, 0.2500000, 1.0000000,
# ---- Single model ------------------------------------------------------------
# Prepare the recipe
rec <- recipe(group ~ . ,
data = df)
# Define the logistic regression model
EN_mod <- logistic_reg(penalty = 0.001, mixture = 0) %>%
set_mode("classification") %>%
# Create a workflow which contains the recipe and the model
ckd_wflow <-
workflow() %>%
add_recipe(rec) %>%
# Fit the workflow
ckd_fit <-
ckd_wflow %>%
fit(data = df)
# View the model
ckd_fit %>%
extract_fit_parsnip() %>%
# Create LOOCV folds
folds = vfold_cv(df,
v = nrow(df))
# Function to get model coefficients
get_glmnet_coefs <- function(x) {
x %>%
extract_fit_engine() %>%
tidy(return_zeros = TRUE) %>%
rename(penalty = lambda)
# Perform resampling workflow.
resamp <-
ckd_wflow %>%
resamples = folds,
control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE,
extract = get_glmnet_coefs))
# Collect metrics for resampling object. It only shows accuracy since it's
# LOOCV, we have to extract the predictions for each fold and combine ourselves
# to get a ROC AUC.
# Extract predictions from resampling object
preds <- bind_rows(resamp$.predictions)
# View preds for .row = 1 for comparison to tuning model
preds %>%
filter(.row == 1)
# Generate ROC curve and print AUC for resampling
autoplot(roc_curve(data = preds, truth = group, .pred_group2))
print(roc_auc(data = preds, truth = group, .pred_group2))
# ---- Tune --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define the penalty values to test
pen_vals <- c(0.001)
# Define the grid of penalty, and mixtures values to test
grid <- crossing(penalty = pen_vals,
mixture = c(0))
# Define recipe for tuning
rec_tune <- recipe(group ~ . ,
data = df)
# Define elastic net model for tuning
EN_mod_tune <-
logistic_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) %>%
set_engine("glmnet", path_values = pen_vals) %>%
# Define workflow for tuning
ckd_wflow_tune <-
ckd_wflow %>%
update_model(EN_mod_tune) %>%
# Define control grid to extract coefficients and save predictions
parsnip_ctrl <- control_grid(extract = get_glmnet_coefs,
save_pred = TRUE)
# Perform tuning with loocv
glmnet_res <-
ckd_wflow_tune %>%
resamples = folds,
grid = grid,
control = parsnip_ctrl
# Get accuracy
glmnet_res %>%
collect_metrics() %>%
filter(.metric == 'accuracy')
# Get predictions for .row = 1
glmnet_res %>%
collect_predictions() %>%
filter(.row == 1)
# Get loocv AUC
glmnet_res %>%
collect_predictions() %>%
dplyr::group_by(mixture, penalty, .config) %>%
summarise(loocv_auc = roc_auc_vec(truth = group, estimate = .pred_group2))
# Print model estimates for Fold25 which is for .row == 1
glmnet_res %>%
unnest(.extracts) %>%
rename(penalty1 = penalty) %>%
unnest(.extracts) %>%
select(id, term, estimate) %>%
filter(id == 'Fold25')
# For the single model I don't know how to identify which fold was for .row == 1
# but none of the intercepts = 0.538 which is what is it for Fold25 of the tuned
# model suggesting the underlying models LOO sample are different
resamp %>%
unnest(.extracts) %>%
unnest(.extracts) %>%
select(id, term, estimate) %>%
filter(term == '(Intercept)',
estimate == 0.568)