Trying to control which tabs are available in a quarto document. The following shows what I am attempting but does not work as tabs are not actually created.
title: "Tab Test"
format: html
editor: visual
#| echo: false
#| include: false
# Tab control
Tab1 <- TRUE
Tab2 <- FALSE
Tab3 <- TRUE
Start the tabs
{.tabset .tabset-pills}
#| echo: false
#| include: true
#| eval: !expr Tab1
#| results: asis
# Print the tab
cat('### Tab1\n\n')
cat('Content for Tab1.\n\n')
#| echo: false
#| include: true
#| eval: !expr Tab2
#| results: asis
# Print the tab
cat('### Tab2 \n')
cat('Content for Tab2.\n\n')
#| echo: false
#| include: true
#| eval: !expr Tab3
#| results: asis
# Print the tab
cat('### Tab3\n\n')
cat('Content for Tab3.\n\n')
This is the output. Hard to see without the html, but I get headers but they are not active tabs.
Tab Test
Start the tabs
Content for Tab1.
Content for Tab3.
August 29, 2024, 9:01am
Hi. Sorry for the delay.
Did you solve your problem ?
Can you edit your post to correctly format the .qmd source part ?
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The code formatting button is pretty smart! It can tell the difference between snippets of code that are part of a sentence and blocks of code that stand alone. S…
Also for tabs with computation content, you can probably write the ###
header output of the chunk,
November 27, 2024, 9:02am
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