Location of .Renviron file?

Hi All,
I was hoping someone would be able to help clarify something for me. I am using a .Renviron file with the following code to add something onto the current path and to change the pointer of the library

R_LIBS_SITE="C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.1.1\\library"

What I am a little confused at is where exactly to put the .Renviron file.
I have seen some people state that it should go in RHOME but I'm not 100% sure where exactly that is. I have also seen some posts state to put it in your current working directory.

I currently have mine located in C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.1\library
And have previously had it in C:\Users\myusername\Documents\Rworkspace\Tutorials R Files

I have also just realised that I am storing the file in the directory I am telling the file to point too. So, It’s not a surprise that isn’t working. Would the correct place be in the directory above library ?

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Renviron.site file for R-version level should be located at R_HOME/etc/, .Renviron file, for user-level should be located at your HOME folder and for project-level it should be located at the project's root folder.

Each one of these levels overwrites the previous one in case more than one file is found.


Brillant, thank you for the quick response.

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