With in working directory I have a main folder folder called 'monthyr', with in main folder I have sub folders for each month ex: 2017-04,2017-05..2021-03 (40+ folders). Each monthly subfolder have 50 csv files. I would like to load all the csv files (50X40 = 200 files) from subfolders and combined them in to single file in R
Trying to use Library (Tidyrvese) . I set my working directory to Main folder, but when i use dir() It recognising only single subfolder; Unable to load from all subfolder at one go. May I know where I am doing wrong
Hi Andresrcs,
Many thanks for your kind response
Am still getting an error ; tried both ways
Readr::read_csv(list_of_files,id= "File_name")
Issue with id argument
trying to load all the files in the folders ( you can see list in attached snapshot) to do multivariate analysis