Load iframe on slide enter

Up until now I have used slidify with the ioslides theme. As that's not supported, I'd like to move to a different framework. Xaringan seems very nice, but one feature which is essential for my purpose is being able to integrate iframes in a slide. The issue is that these should only be loaded whenever the slide is visible, and not before (it's Mentimeter questions, and all goes haywire if all are loaded when the first slide is shown). Is this possible, and if so, how?

Thanks for any insights!

You could have a look at Quarto and its HTML presentation format based on revealjs

More generally, I believe you could control the loading using attributes and JS code for your HTML slide.

Revealjs allow to define some action based on slide entering. Maybe remark.js does too.
You could leverage this to set your iframe at this point.

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