I'd like to publish my Posit Cloud projects to Github from my organization's (a college) account. But when I follow the Settings > Authentications workflow, it says (1) I need to change my login type to be able to do this, but also that (2) if I change my login type I'll lose access to the shared spaces on our college's Cloud account. See attached picture for reference.
I'm worried that my students can't publish to their own github repos from their college accounts either. Is there a work around? The connections to Github are essential for the students to build their data science portfolios. Thanks in advance for any help.
At this time our SSO setups are configured in a way that if you are linked to an SSO enabled account, that is the only way you are allowed to log in to the system as a whole. We recognize this is not ideal and would like to improve this functionality in the future to let you log in any way you want to the system, but still make you go through a specific SSO workflow if you are trying to access resources tied to an SSO enabled account.
I have no idea when we might take on the work to improve the workflow, but in the mean time I think there is a work around that should help you. Since it seems that you are just trying to link the GitHub login method to be able to push code to a git repo, you can do this manually in the IDE terminal. Take a look at our documentation for working with GitHub. Hopefully that should help!