Linear Regression & Forecasting

I need help with a course project. I've been working on this for 5 days and have gotten no where. I'm using the AdventureWorks database. This part of the project is creating a linear regression, plotting the actual data for Jan 2013 - Dec 2013, and then forecast Jan 2014-Jun 2014. The forecasted piece needs to be in a different line type and color. It also needs to include the line-of-best-fit (abline). Sadly, my instructor will not provide any help other than "check these websites". Below is what I have tried (and failed) in R so far. Any guidance is appreciated!

#load DBI package

#create connection
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                      Driver="SQL Server",
                      Server = ".",
                      Database = "AdventureWorks2017",

###create query 


qry1<-dbGetQuery (con,
p.Name as 'Product'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 1 then 'Jan-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 2 then 'Feb-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 3 then 'Mar-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 4 then 'Apr-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 5 then 'May-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 6 then 'Jun-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 7 then 'Jul-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 8 then 'Aug-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 9 then 'Sep-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 10 then 'Oct-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 11 then 'Nov-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 12 then 'Dec-13'
End as 'Month1'
,MONTH(OrderDate) as 'MonthOrder'
	,sum(sod.LineTotal) RevenueByDay
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
    left join Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod on soh.SalesOrderID=sod.SalesOrderID
    left join Production.Product p on sod.ProductID=p.ProductID
    where year(OrderDate)='2013'
    and in ('Mountain-200 Black, 38')
	group by 
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 1 then 'Jan-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 2 then 'Feb-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 3 then 'Mar-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 4 then 'Apr-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 5 then 'May-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 6 then 'Jun-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 7 then 'Jul-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 8 then 'Aug-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 9 then 'Sep-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 10 then 'Oct-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 11 then 'Nov-13'
	when MONTH(OrderDate) = 12 then 'Dec-13'
order by MONTH(OrderDate)

#created data frame


#make month a factor (because it wouldn't work otherwise)
                       ,levels = c("Jan-13","Feb-13","Mar-13","Apr-13","May-13"

#Change column names




prodLM<-lm(formula=MonthOrder~Revenue, data = lndat)

abline(lm(MonthOrder~Revenue, data = lndat)) ##DID NOT PRODUCT LINE

#open ggplot & scales library

ggplot(prodLM,aes(MonthOrder,Revenue)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_smooth(lndat$Revenue ~ lndat$MonthOrder) +
  scale_x_continuous("Month",limits = c(1,12)) 

if you want MonthOrder as x and Revenue as Y , then your lm formula should be reversed. i.e.

prodLM<-lm(formula=Revenue ~ MonthOrder, data = lndat)

to do the abline then would be just


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