I believe this used to work with previous version of shiny but I'm having trouble getting a title for an actionButton to use linebreaks.
The approach mentioned in Shiny: break line in button label (Solved) does not seem to work for the button title but \n for a new line does work.
ui = fluidPage(
actionButton("btnId1", "Button 1", title = HTML("I want a line break here <br/> since the title is too long")),
actionButton("btnId2", "Button 2", title = "I want a\nline break here\nsince the title\nis too long")
server = function(input, output){}
However for a shiny gadget neither \n nor the approach mentioned in Shiny: break line in button label (Solved) not seem to work for the button title. Any suggestions?
ui <- miniPage(
gadgetTitleBar("My Gadget"),
actionButton("btnId1", "Button 1", title = HTML("I want a line break here <br/> since the title is too long")),
actionButton("btnId2", "Button 2", title = "I want a\nline break here\nsince the title\nis too long")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$done, {
runGadget(ui, server)