Like Quarto Freeze feature but for {Book,Blog}down


I'm writing a book on cross-platform development using Bookdown and also writing some accompanying blogposts using Blogdown.

Since, I'm describing some stuff which works different on different OSes/environments/etc my code snippets and command calls produce different results. So, I need to somehow “freeze” the output.

Recently, I discovered freeze option in Quarto and I'm wondering is there anything similar in R Markdown to be used with Bookdown and/or Blogdown?


This is a new specific feature for Quarto project, which works with any type of output for Quarto.

There won't be equivalent in bookdown unfortunately. On caching mechanism. You would need to build your own workflow function to store results or .md after knitting to build your book for example.

For blogdown, there is a similar feature - you should read about Workflow at Announcing blogdown v1.0 - Posit . The build_site() has a build_rmd argument that can prevent re rendering Rmd.

Overall, if you are interested by this feature, you should consider using Quarto for the next projects. Or convert your existing one maybe, but not always easy.

Thank you for your reply, @cderv!

Overall, if you are interested by this feature, you should consider using Quarto for the next projects.

Using Quarto is not acceptable for me, since the programming languages I use in my publications differ from the Python, R, Julia list.

I may miss something. How are you able to use R Markdown then ?

Quarto extends R Markdown, so if you can use R Markdown you should be able to use Quarto.

Can you explain me more ? I am curious. thanks

By using predefined and/or custom knitr language engines

To be honest, I haven't actually checked Quarto. I've been using R Markdown for quite a long time and as @yihui posted:

Should you switch to Quarto? Not necessarily. If you find R Markdown meets your needs, you can definitely stay there.
With Quarto Coming, is R Markdown Going Away? No. - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉

But I definitely need to give Quarto a try to check by myself if it meets my needs. Thanks!

Oh ok ! That would explain. I missed that as your question was on Quarto.

I've been using R Markdown for quite a long time and as @yihui posted

yes good advice still valid !

By using predefined and/or custom knitr language engines

You can definitely do that within Quarto. Quarto is using knitr and all knitr features apply. Engines are among them.

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