library(terra) Confusing run-time warning

Can anyone explain what this means?

> library(terra)
terra 1.7.78
WARNING: different compile-time and run-time versions of GEOS
Compiled with:3.10.2-CAPI-1.16.0
 Running with:3.12.1-CAPI-1.18.1

You should reinstall package 'terra'

I just re-installed {terra}


Seems like the package was compiled with one version of GEOS, and now you are using it with a different version. I suspect that this can potentially cause problems, that's why the terra package authors emit this warning.

Yes but what is GEOS and how do I resolve the conflict?
GEOS seems to be a a C/C++ library but I assume I am not doing the compiling. Ihave no idea what


is. It looks like whatever it is, I seem to have a more up-to-date version so is there some kind of solution here?

I am not actually using {terra} for anything but curiosity so it's not an urgent problem but it is annoying.

It is very possible that the warning is harmless, the authors of the terra package could inform you better I guess.

If you want the problem to go away, recompile the package from source.

I was afraid you were going to suggest that. :slight_smile:

If I hit any problems I'll contact the authors.



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